Thursday, November 22

A Tiger in yer Tank.

As me were leaving work today Me hand shot out and grabbed a handful of Snickers thet were sittin in a basket in the middle of the table in the staff room. One of the guys at work has been bringing in a variety of chocolates fer the last ten days or so and trying to get anyone and everyone in sight to eat them so he don' hafta.

Me hand shot out after punching the clock and a voice sang out behind me 'Is that your blogger juice for tonight?' Blogger juice. The phrase rang in me ears like quasimoto hanging on the pull rope in Notre Dame.
Blogger juice. 'No,' Me answered, 'me juice be a higher octane than chocolate.'
The folks me works with now all know about Me No blog, but they don't read it. Alla folks me be workin with find it too unlike me to equate me with the Scary monster.

Blogger Juice... What be yer juice? (and please no O.J. Simpson jokes here) What be giving you the get up and go, the vim and vigor, the impetus to sit at the keyboard and create yer works?

There be a lot of people out in nthe world spending time on their thoughts and stories and they be lookin fer some kind of recognition.

What be yer Blogger Juice?
Me no squeezin the Charmin.

Special thanks to Leelee fer the Thanksgiving present.
Me loved every
damn minute of it!


Pink said...

Well I'm sorry to admit it but a grande skinny wet cappuccino does it for me.

Oh. That and alot of cheese. I love cheese.

Anonymous said...

really? she thought you only have choccie bars to blog about? ha! she doesn't read your stuff then does she?

I'm kind of stuck writing about tuna mornay right now, but it is all good.

Would it change much for you at work if people did read your blog?

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Blogger juice??! Me think you need to get yer head examined. SPLASH!

Scary Monster said...

Pink~ Sorru, but The Monster has no idea what a grande skinny wet cappuccino is...

Betty~ Juice as in energy, kiddo.

And it were Punny that asked me. Now while he don't read me stuff he be knowin all about it and it probably doesn't effect his opinion of me lunacy.

Mr. Dyckerson.~ So do I!


Camille Alexa said...

Wine, wine, wine. And poor judgment.

Corn Dog said...

obsessive compulsive writing disorder

leelee said...

Scary, I just KNEW you'd appreciate that..and you know who teh DJ was who played it..don't you? Pete Fornatele...god I can hear his voice..

Oh by the way, you can catch Pete and Vin Scelsa too on the Fordham University radio station...streaming live on the
too cool my friend...too cool!

leelee said...

check this out when you get a guys!!!!