Thursday, November 22

Are you there yet?

Things at work are so diametrically opposed from four or five months ago that Me be feelin that Me ain't workin at the same place. The problems and pressures ain't changed but the way the people workin there face them be so different as to make me believe that me gone done and found a new and special environment in which to work.

The changes in staff is so complete that one cain't enter the establishment and feel like they are in the same place as they were a few short months ago. Me love the people that me meets everyday and the friends and folks they bring in with them are so pleasant that just being in their presence makes me feel very alive and eager to join in their community.

Can ya remember a part time job ya had while in high school or college? Do ya recall the fun ya had while workin and goofin and being a kid?

If ya haven't had this experience Me can say that me feels fer ya. There ain't no better way to live than to earn enough money to exist on without worrying about responsibilities.
Me be happy at work. It actually don' feel like work at all. Me feeling may change in the future, but right now me be more comfortable with me compatiots in the school than anywhere else in the world.

That's a feeling me be hoping ya gets when ya walk out into the world.
Mebbe me ain't there yet, but me certainly feels that me be stompin along the right path.

Me no stubbing me toes.


? said...

Happiness at work?! This feels like an episode of the Twilight Zone.

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Me suggest you start acting miserable before yer boss cans your slimy green ass. GOBBLE GOBBLE!

Pink said...

I'm happy you're happy. xx pinks

Scary Monster said...

BB~ That do sound about right. Wonderin when the twist comes in.

Mr.Dyckerson~ Iffin he cans me then hw gonna hafta do some work. Don't think it gonna happen.

Pink~ Me not happy. Work just ain't making me life a total misery is all.


doctor chip said...

don't sweat the small stuff, Scary.

hope you can get some Turkey over there...

Happy Thanksgiving!


