Friday, November 16

Meeting Deadlines

Friday fer me. Fer some o' you too. Thet be meaning that there ain't gonna be much action on me page unless me go and post sumpin cuntriversal. After yesterday's epistomological ejaculation into the crevasse of non-consentual curlicue contempt, Me figgers it be time to wimp out and dole out a flash fiction fifty five...

Monster; being what he be, don't ever do what he been told to do or what be expected of him. Me be givin ya a Wrigley's double dose of Friday foolishness. 110. Thet number also be japan's equivalent of 911. So iffin ya be in trouble or need a Monster to motivate ya just...


1 comment:

Ed & Jeanne said...

What did you say you ejaculated?? Wait...I don't want to know...