Friday, March 16

Windows and Doors

Me is not going to discuss the upsetting incident. Me just wants to put it behind me and hope that it don't happen again. If it does me will have to forget the words and teachings of me Sensei, NYD and just kick the shit out of the sonovabitch that stole from me.

Me is fully armed

It be weird that pug said what he did, for another world did open up for me and Me be in a most happy, happy fart and dance kind of spirit today.

Me is not a young monster (some of you have already realized this). Two days ago Me happened to touch base with some of me old friends from "high" school. Me was part of a group that were kind of different than other students and we mostly hung out in the park across the street from the school rather than in the school itself.

To be perfectly honest Me be feeling so damn dizzy that me can't think straight. These be people were very close to me while Me was just a tadpole and and me never thought that Me would ever get the chance to meet with them again. In fact in me year book me was voted "most unlikely to survive." Me has been back and forth, via e-mail, with four of me old buds and we are planning to get together this July for a reunion. Me can't wait to talk with them and see their faces. They have Children! and real jobs! and pay taxes! They made it and Me guess, so have I.


Me no running anymore.


leelee said...

Scary...I love how you took your bad scene and let it go...and allowed the universe to provide you with a better Karma today..I'm not kidding when I use these terms...if you hold on to the neg...the neg will be attracted to it. I know this for sure...when you allow the negative to fly out...then there is room for the I being redondant?

EXCELLENT! you have most definately "made it" ..see?.. even monsters evolve.

Unknown said...

So happy you are feeling better today. An unset scary monster is, well, scary.

I have lost touch with 100% of those I went to school with. Since I changed my last name in college (I took my step-father's name) they will probably not be able to find me either. I suppose it is for the best. I had a reputation as my school's biggest stoner and I did not use drugs at all in high school. I just have huge pupils and a warped sense of humor. The normals hated me for my stoner rep and the stoners hated me cause they thought I was a narc since I didn't use drugs. I hated high school I guess it is safe to say.

Serena said...

Yowzer! Now we know what you look like. Those are some muscles you have there. I know I'll certainly behave.:)

No, seriously, I'm glad whatever had you so upset has been put to rights. It sucks when things happen that can so upset one's entire orbit.

Scary Monster said...

leelee~ Me sees your point about certain vibes attracting each other. Me not think you redundant at all. Me thinking you be very sweet woman with good heart, pretty smile.

Kanrei~ Me be certain that "hate" be too strong a word. Anyone who is even a little bit different thinks H.S. is hell. Now that you be doin yer own thang you can let that quirkyness work in you favor.

SJ~ Things ain't been "put to right" me just didn't stomp the Fu***er! These arms can crush a grizzly YaaaaaR! They can also carry a MaiTai onto the beaches of Waikiki.

NYD said...

Stay cool my little green friend. It's the grey cells, not the green monster that gets things done.

P.S. Were not getting the convertible...
Check your e-mail every once in a while!

leelee said...


Thank you for your nice words Scary

Camille Alexa said...

There are just so many layers to the pearly onion that is Scary Monster...

Corn Dog said...

My main friend in high school was the principal, mainly because I was in his office so much. I still really like the guy and send him emails once in a while.

My high school sent me some form letter today saying I could register online. I signed on with the registration number they gave me. Only one other person had registered from my class. There was a blank for "suffix address." I put "Her Royal Highness" before my name. Then there was a button to "add relationships" so I added 2 as "others" and put "dogs." Then I uploaded a picture of my 13 pound dog and put "Dinky Rules." At 51, I hope the high school realizes I have no matured one iota since I stepped out their doors.

tfg said...

Were you in the Junior Monsters CLub in high school?

Stacia said...

Finding old friends is always exciting, yay! And sorry about whatever happened yesterday. I guess the ides of March struck again, huh?

Couldn't care less about most of the people I went to high school with...but one or two, I'd really like to find again.

Scary Monster said...

NYD~ You promised me a mustang!!!
Me bringing the vixens! Maybe they'll spring for a car.

leelee~ Just calling it like Me sees it.

lbb~ So many layers, yet still an onion after all

Corn dog~ will they let you take the pups to the reunion???

tfg~ More like the major stoners, but me was definitely a monster even then.

December~ Ah yes, stabbed by those you trusted...

Me went to a huge school, over 5000 students, but me was tight with a small group of people. They be the only ones me truly want to meet. The others... flwewf (onomatopoeia)

Ten more days till Hawaii!!!!

The Grunt said...

You sound a lot like me and my friends in high school.

Corn Dog said...

I wish I could take the pups, Scary. The high school is in Tennessee. I am in Oakland. My dogs think they are going to the dog park when they get in the car. I could not stand 3 days of howling across the country. They would be so disappointed too.

HAWAII!!!!! YAH!!!! You are going to have SO much fun. Snorkel with the fishes.

Hale McKay said...

I have only seen a handful of my old classmates over the years. Since I live 750 miles away now, I never make it back home often - except now Boston is home..

Boston is fine but it ain't home,
West Virginia is home but it ain't mine anymore...

Oops! Sorry about the Neil Diamond lyrics...

Scary Monster said...

Grunt~ That would explain a lot of your posts Cap'n.

Corn Dog~ You could always tie the dogs to the rear bumper and drive slowly. They would get their exercise and and go to the rerunion as well.
Snorkel with the fishes.... Hmmm, Catch em me self. That would save a bit of cash.

Hale~ 750 miles be a nice drive. Well worth it to get together with some old friends.

Romulus Crowe said...

I met many people in school. Few were worth remembering, fewer were worth keeping in touch with.

I wonder about the picture though. I was at school with a guy who weight-trained, and still does. He couldn't touch his left shoulder with his left hand when he was 15. Little kids ran away because they thought he was the Hulk. Nobody picked a fight with our geek-group, even though this guy had never hit anyone, ever. I think it was the thought that he might...

Can that guy bend his arms at all?

Anonymous said...

I hung out in the park across the street in "high" school too. The Queen's Park Cemetery.

Scary Monster said...

Romulus~ it seems that many here share that same opinon. That's why me feels so good about finding the ones me do care about. There are so few of us left.

With arms like that me wonders if he can wipe his own butt.

Seely Deborn~ Welcome to the monsters lair. Hanging out is what Highs cool be all about. We probably learned more across the street, than in the classroom. said...

Ha! I knew you were an old hippie, like me. It was hanging out at the park across the street that gave it away again.

I don't know if you're aware, but I left my "home" town - at least the city where I went to high school - for 20 years, and came back six years ago. Gawd, time flies. Anyway, I went off in search of the people who were nearest and dearest to me, and some of it was disappointing, but most of it was an absolute high. I've never been so happy to see anyone. It's part of what my novel is about - reconnecting with the friends we love. I just know it will turn out great for you, because you have the right attitude. Whatever comes of it, you'll be able to accept it. I hope you'll write about the experience!