Wednesday, March 14


Me soooooo Angry today.

No! Not be blogger fake angry.

This be the kind of rage that, if yer not careful, lands you in the pokey.

Me has become pretty good at controlling me dark side.

Me has learned to turn it around and let it change into something different.

Take the bad stuff and convert it into a silent thrust of energy and let it dissapate.

Strange as this may seem there were good thing to be happening today too.

Me may have "found" some lost friends. Guys who me used to be tight with in high school.

If me become lucky then maybe this day not be total crap after all.
Me no looking back on today.


Unknown said...

Stomp a village or two, eat a screaming innoncent and things should go better. What got you so upset today anyway?

Scary Monster said...

Kanrei~ Me will have to let flow through me, so that when Me turs around me will see that there be nothing left of it. Even now, me still Wants to STOMP!

leelee said...

Breathe...deep cleansing breaths...

ok ok

STOMP...then breathe

remember scary...this too shall anger worth going to the pokey for.

HUGS from leelee

tfg said...

I prescribe some Scary Martinis.

puerileuwaite said...

Just remember, whenever a door slams, a window opens. Wait. Now I'M mad, thinking about my heating bill.

Serena said...

Scary, honey, what's the matter? Have a couple of TFG's Scary Martinis, then do what Leelee said -- STOMP, breathe, STOMP.

Mayden' s Voyage said...

Tonight- I won't stomp...I'll tip-toe past your cyber space-
Holding my breath so as not to wake a sleeping monster who is fretful from the days events.
I'll blow a kiss from the window- sending with it a wish for deep rest and plesant dreams.

I'm in West Virginia- trying to sleep...hoping that none of the Scary Monsters around me wake up hungry- somehow- I think I might look tasty...and that would never do~

SM- I cried yesterday- over something I mis-understood- and then I got so mad I couldn't stand myself.
It's not fun- I know...
be well. said...

Who did it? Let me at him! I'll STOMP him for you! Which way'd he go? That asshole! Let's get him!