Sunday, March 18

A boy named Sue...

Got to step out of the closet a little bit here because my friend has stopped posting.
As some of you have figured out already, the Monster lair is in the land of the rising sun.
Me is not saying this because I want to be nominated in next years blogger awards for BEST Asian blog, Noooo, not at all. It's really due to the fact that I have a real story to tell.
It's a stupid tale and I will tell it now, without pretense and rancor.
Some who drop by my place might know about NYD. I've been mistaken for him from time to time and that makes me laugh. He's a total whack job, but a really good person. A while ago he posted a funny story about going to the movies and it was recieved with some derison by one of his family members who may or may not go unnamed.

This guy is one of them poor creative mules you read about. He teaches students all damn day long and works on his stuff every chance he gets. He's an awesome photographer and an all around talent, I'm not joking here. He can put his hand to just about anything and make it come out right.
With the help of his wife, he's written Three language textbooks (I use them exclusively in my classroom) and a slew of short stories.
Check this one out and tell him what you think.

This stuff with his sister has convinced him to stop blogging. I think it's a loss. If you go into the archives of his place you'll find so many different stories and tales that you'll wonder why the hell you havent visited him before.

I'm gonna ask you for a favor, yes you, and those of you who lurk as well. I'm gonna ask you to go over to his site and tell him to blog again. I'll do my part when we're sitting on the beaches of Hawaii, but I'd like you to check out his place and see for yourself just what a great guy he is and to help me get him back in the saddle.

He is definitely going to be pissed off with me about this and he can fuck me up in a New Yawk Minute.



Serena said...

I've told him that before, Scary, but I'll reiterate it. It would be a shame to shut down over one misunderstanding.

Mayden' s Voyage said...

One night- after being very upset by something someone wrote at my place- I nearly deleted the whole thing.
It would have been the wrong thing to do...for me anyway.

When I look back on all the positive things Mayden's Voyage has brought into my life- the negative things are very small in comparison.

Hope your friend knows what a dear special monster you are- I think he does.
Whoever is in the dog suit is adorable! :)

Camille Alexa said...

Is that NYD in the Furvert getup? SWEET!

Scary Monster said...

Serena~ Me saw the comment you left. Good stuff, but he's one stubborn S.O.B. Me theinks he will need more convincing.

Mrs.C.~ Some people don't know hoe important a blog can become. NYD summed up his reasons for why he blogs quite nicely in his most recent post.

lbb~ If ya look real close you can tell if he's Jewish or not. said...

What a waste that would be. Tsk.

The Grunt said...

I'm glad that you are supporting NYD as well, SM. He needs a break, but I see him making a come back.

Hale McKay said...

Lesson - don't tell family, friends, fellow workers and Grand Jury about personal blogs.

I too hope NYD has a change of heart. He can always start a new blog unbeknownst to a seleect few.

Scary Monster said...

Me be with you guys! But to be honest It weren't his fault. His sister Googled him and found the place a long time ago. She got twitchy over one post and he be wanting to bag it.