Tuesday, November 27

Time for the Give and Take.

You gots ta tell me 'cuz me cain't tell you.

Is there any balance in life's big equations?
Is there ever an equal amount of love or trust or happiness when people get together?
Iffin energy cain't be destroyed where done all the passion get changed into?
How far outta whack do things have to get before we notice that the little noise done become a rattle.
Me can fix a bicycle, build a wall, mix a drink, tell a story, balance a checkbook, find the clitoris, tend a garden and whip up a tasty dinner on a very tight budget Me missing anything?

Without concerning mesself with the soap opera that goes on in the world, me be wondering how to get things right...here.

Is a birthday or Christmas present as tasty when ya ask fer it or is it better as a surprise?
What about when ya feel like yer begging fer something ta happen?
When yer mind or spirit be troublin you, what song do ya listen to?
(Me be chillin out with Otis Redding right now- 'Sittin on The Dock of the Bay.')

Have ya ever wanted to fall into a book and stay there?
Why do Me want to slap folks who answer rhetorical questions with proverbial answers?

Me collects glassware.
The glasses collect dust.
Do that be making me an ipso facto dust collector?
(even though it be true, Me just wanted to use ipso facto in a sentence)

Me reckons "T" be having the answers.
Some where in the lyrics of a Tom Waits song or between the pages of a Tom Robbins book or mebbe a Terry Gilliam movie; Me might find a clue to keepin the see saw movin smoothly.

You got any other "T"s?

The sun be coming up so Me figgers that me ought to go back to bed...

Me no wearin me spectacles today.


Little Lamb said...

Is there any balance in life's big equations?

A profound question. But does it have an answer?

How far outta whack do things have to get before we notice that the little noise done become a rattle.
Me can fix a bicycle, build a wall, mix a drink, tell a story, balance a checkbook, find the clitoris, tend a garden and whip up a tasty dinner on a very tight budget Me missing anything?

Good question. I wonder about stuff like that. It seems one person gets killed and a whole bunch more have to get killed the same way before anythings done about it.

Without concerning mesself with the soap opera that goes on in the world, me be wondering how to get things right...here.

Is a birthday or Christmas present as tasty when ya ask fer it or is it better as a surprise?
What about when ya feel like yer begging fer something ta happen?
When yer mind or spirit be troublin you, what song do ya listen to?
(Me be chillin out with Otis Redding right now- 'Sittin on The Dock of the Bay.')

Another good question I like surpirses and its also nice to know what one is getting.

Have ya ever wanted to fall into a book and stay there?


Why do Me want to slap folks who answer rhetorical questions with proverbial answers?

Hmmm. Profound.

Me collects glassware.
The glasses collect dust.
Do that be making me an ipso facto dust collector?
(even though it be true, Me just wanted to use ipso facto in a sentence)

You could be a glass dust collector. :-)

You got any other "T"s?

Sure. There's a fellow blogger /t. :-)

I'm first. :-)

Ed & Jeanne said...

I got a "T" for ya....The Dude. He was the man for his time!

Serious shit has come to light!

Scary Monster said...

Lambkins~ Do you like to copy and paste?

VE~ Me be hoping yer not talking about Tiny Tim.

When shit comes to light, it always be serious.


Little Lamb said...

I do like copy and paste. I also wanted to answer your questions.

Romulus Crowe said...

Another cut-and-paster chimes in:

Iffin energy cain't be destroyed where done all the passion get changed into?

Passion without an outlet becomes fanaticism. All fanatics are passionate, just about the wrong thing.

Why do Me want to slap folks who answer rhetorical questions with proverbial answers?

Only slap? That's very restrained of you. My pet hate is people who answer a question with another question. The best response I've come up with is to say 'I'll take that as no/yes' and do whatever I was going to do/not-do anyway. Eventually I hope to train everyone to give straight answers but in the meantime I have to admit I enjoy the consternation.

I think everyone's a dust collector. The only difference is what we collect it on.

ThatGreenyFlower said...

I like to collect dust on unfinished projects, myself.

And the last book I wanted to fall into and stay there was "A Suitable Boy" by Vikram Seth. I guess a trip to India is in order.

Helene said...

i just wrote a long comment and lost it to a bad wifi connection... grrr

Is a birthday or Christmas present as tasty when ya ask fer it or is it better as a surprise? Nope... not unless you are a kid.

As for balance... everyone has on and off days... In a relationship you just have to hope that both of you arent having and off period at the same time. Then neither is there for the other. I hope that you find your balance... with friends, family, alone time (perhaps sitting by the dock of the bay) or with a good shrink! lol
Life is a journey!

As for that energy of passion and where it goes... hummmm idk but I would like a bit of it back myself if you fine out! lol I think perhaps it goes into making a longterm relationship work over the years! Rewarding in a different way. Hey... at least you can still find the clitoris LMAO!!!!

Serena said...

Balance comes and balance goes. It's good when it sticks around, but I can't count on it. That's when I tend to fall into good books.:)

puerileuwaite said...

I thought I had all the answers, but then I saw Lamby not only stole those, but also lifted my Copy and Paste methodology. Damn that Lamb! Had she not made those overt sexual overtures to me in her latest post, I don't know how I'd rid myself of the hurt and anger.

Okay, I'm better now.

Finding the clitoris is - IMHO - similar to finding Waldo. Once you've located him for the first time, you learn to zero in on the trademark red and white striped design. Of course, after the first couple of gratifying positive IDs, the thrill - as B.B. King would say - is gone. So then it's time to try the spin-offs, such as "Where's Waldo's Sister?".

(p.s. - If you can mix a drink AND find the clitoris AT THE SAME TIME, then welcome, my friend, to the Pug's World)

Corn Dog said...

"Damn the Lamb," said the Pug.

How's that for balance? It comes. It blows.

I am the T. That is what my family calls me, "T" Long before Mr. T and Iced Tea and all those other T's that are poor imitations of me.

I like ipso facto and vestibule. Very fun to say, along with upchuck.

Helene said...

lol to Pugs world... (OMG I almost spit out my coffee at the WHeres Waldos Sister comment!)

Hope you are having groovy day there SM! Whereever you may be...

Scary Monster said...

It be a really great day when the comments outshine the post. Thankee youse all!