Wednesday, November 14

Hit the reset button.

There were no real purpose to this place other than try to get me thoughts straightened out and possibly relate to some new people that Me never would have met iffin it weren't fer the Blogger.

This now be a time when me be thinkin of the next escapade and the ideas abound. Here within the guts of a computer connected to others by a tenuous pulse of electricity; Me has created a second life. Me gone and done Frankensteined a new persona fer meself that were mebbe just a little more interesting looking than the goofy facade that Me presents to the world.

Now as the winter be approaching it looks as if the hibernation be upon me. Not all that easy is it to make with the writin- talk and not only keep ya innerested, but gettin ya to unnerstand and respond to me wanderin thoughts as well.

Been more'n a year now and me kinda dreading the relinquishing o' something that me gone done worked so hard for, but every adventure has it's beginning and it's segue into the next story. Those of you who been with me fer most of this ride have put up with a lot of inanity and fer that you deserve a beer or quite possibly a a double dose of Prozac. Truth be told Me don't know what Prozac do fer people and don't really want to know. It be a damn funny sounding name so me tosses it around.

The countdown begins and me gots to get started on somethin new. Iffin ya be one of them net detectives that flourish and creep and ya happen to recognize the Monster reborn, Me would appreciate it iffin ya let it slide. After all it could be Punny Yumpkin. We all work at the same school and create a wackiness thet caint be found anywhere else.

Me no pillar of salt.


Crushed said...

You are NOT giving up, I hope???

STOMP STOMP!!!!!!!!!

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Me thought you would never leave. SLAM!

Pink said...

No way.

I'm not letting you go.

I'm going to hold on to yer little green claw and iffin you try to pull away its gonna hurt you more than me.

who am i kidding. its gonna hurt me more.

please don't go. me be so sad :(


Pink said...


That's what monsters DO!!!

Just mutate, stompy, but stay with us. Morph into something new but let us go with you.

I'm not a sleuth and I'd miss the real mind behind the monster.

pinks (feeling blue)

Libby said...

we're all gonna grab on to your big ol' green scaly tail, and not let you go! so THERE!!
Grrrrrrrrr! & BoUnCe at the same time!

puerileuwaite said...

"jethro Tull" just happened to be the name they were using when it all clicked. So I understand. All I ask is that when it does "click" for you, it won't involve playing the flute.

Serena said...

Bad idea, Scary Mon. You have a fan base now. You can't go anywhere.:)

Romulus Crowe said...

Evolution in action? I know some people who won't be happy about that ;)

You can post every day and that has me, and most others, beat. There are few who can do that - so you'll be outed in no time.

I hope to run across your next incarnation at some point. If I spot you, I won't say. My bet is it certainly won't be Punny Yumpkin though. Mary Sconster, perhaps?

Here's hoping the transition is painless.

Don't be in that cocoon too long.

ThatGreenyFlower said...

Take us with you. We've grown fond of your scary smile and your scary fangs and your loud stomping.

The Grunt said...

Dude, I tried that whole persona change with the "Viking". I was writing killer stuff that was a bit edgier than what I do now, but no one wanted that. Needless to say, I carried on for my own amusement for awhile and then packed it in. I am glad to still be The Grunt!

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you either stay Scary Monster or come out as yourself totally. Either one, in my opinion, is totally righteous.

Pink said...

Ok Ok. Like Viking, come out as yourself or be Stompy. But, I'm computer illigiterate so I'll never find you iffin you go.



Stacia said...

What?! You're going?

Nooooo...who will stomp around at my blog? Where will I go for my monster and Cabo fixes?