Rabbit weren't no Ol' Blue Eyes
How is it that we find ourselves doin what we do?
Trading the moments of our lives fer Bio-Survival tickets doesn't seem worth it iffin ya ain't doin something ya likes or at the very least will make some sort of difference in the lives of others.
Me be awfully fortunate that me truly likes me the work that me be doin everyday, but mebbe me would would feel better about it iffin me had actually chosen that path fer meself instead of falling into it.
It seems that me has travelled so far from the dreams of me youth.
What me grew up believing me were gonna be turned out to be quite different from what me were good at makin money doin.
Are you one of the lucky few that are doing something you like and are good enough to make a living at it?
Me must admit that at this point me won't stop teachin. It would be a lot more fun 'iffin it be from choice not necessity.
What me would like to change is all the other stuff that seems to collect on a person like barnacles on the hull of a ship.
Me no free quite yet.
My job is so completely remote from what my degree is in, it's shocking.
I actually really like my work, it's just the people and circumstances that drive me crazy sometimes.
We all turned out very different than we dreamed as children. I was going to be a teacher or a fire truck when I was growing up. Today I am a human resources manager. What? I was going to educate the world or save it and instead I am knit-picking employee handbooks and keeping track of vacation days. I wonder what my next career will be. We are four years away from it.
20's- food service
30's- office management
40's- king of the world?
I made all my money selling disco shirts and schlepping vintage furniture. I loved it more than anything in the universe and even though I've sold my business, I can't imagine having done anything else my entire adult life.
I am still upset that my career as an alien fighting space pilot never happened...
How I became a salesman...
I couldn't think of anything else to do after graduating, and I couldn't spray picture frames for ever.
Now it's the only thing I know.
Me be hatin' me I.T. job. Me works in a cube farm with a bunch of nerdy humorless dipshits. Me hoping to give it all up for a career in the porn industry. SQUIRT!
It is an impossibility that everyone would be doing what they love. There are simply too many crap things that are necessary for life during our age and with as many people on the planet now. That being said, I'm still pursuing my jester career path.
I love what I do. I feel like I make a difference in others' lives, too. (sometimes)
But...I make no money. :( At least I am a happy poor girl.
Princess~ Me hears ya! Me wonders just how many folks use what they learned from university on their present jobs.
Kanrei~ When you become king, who will be yer court jester?
Camille~ That does sound like fun.
Why did ya ever sell the business?
David~ Ther's still hope, ol' buddy.
Me went a visitin ya yesterday and yer site was replaced with an atrocious sales network. Are you still posting?
INGSOC~ Me be pretty certain thet there are a multitude of things that one with yer intelligence can do. Just a matter of makin a move...
Mr.Dyckerson~ When you say porn; do you mean in front of the camera or behind it? No, don't answer that. On second thought Me don't wanna know.
Well there goes the answer to the question Me asked Kanrei. As fer the shit jobs, Me thought we had Mexicans and Phillipinos fer that?
OG~ Often the most fun, rewarding kinda work pays crap! These days iffin Me gonna be stressed out over work, Me figgers Me might as well get paid a bundle for it.
Did ya ever name yer car?
I'm hoping to get a sit down job with a computer. Maybe I can have Dycko's job.
I like what I do, but I don't love it. I guess I'll keep on doing it until I figure out what it is I'd love doing.
Well, hey. You could always come back and work with me. I'm pretty sure all will be perfect in paradise then.
I wanted out of Texass.
I've been around and about - jobs you wouldn't believe if I told you.
How on earth do you 'fall into' becoming a teacher ???
Oh yesterday I was cybered... they cannot keep a cult author down for long.
I wanted to be a writer, but I'm sure not making a living at it as of yet!
Who would have ever thought that a Hooters Girl would make it in the rough and tumble world of technology.
Lambkins~ Would ya really want to sit down in any chair that the Dtckerson has occupied? Ya might end up catchin somethin.
SJ~ In one way or other we go through stages of life where we start out doing what we love, only to find out later that we have outgrown it and need something else.
NYD~ Iffin you had offered me the same thing six months ago me would have come running. Does this mean that you have gotten off yer ass and written something?
Camille~ Well there ya go. Just about as good a reason as any.
E-K~ Me be pretty sure that me would believe ya. Me has done some pretty screwy things fer money.
As fer fallin into teaching: When ya find yerself a stranger in a strange land sometimes the only thing that can earn ya a buck is yer milk tongue.
David~ Glad to hear that ya ran them varmints outta town.
December~ Mebbe not yet, but me be sure ya will. Ya got the spark and the spunk!
ADW~ Iffin ya can handle drunks at Hooters and a stylist called Man Ho, ya can handle just about anyone.
All my life I have worked caring for the sick ad elderly and crippled, not that I am suggesitng I am Mother teresa. I find that the most rewarding work has been wroking with the terminally il. Helping them trenascend this world into the next, knowing that you may be the last voice they hear, the last touch they feel,the last ears to hear their final words is an awe inspiring responsibility.It's important to have soemone around who cares at the end and makes one feel safe. That I miss, although it can be hard if you have known them too long.
Great post, Scary.
Ubermouth, I am truly touched by your words. The work you do is amazing.
I'm with Serena Joy. I like my work. I just don't love it. I'd rather be a freak in a circus sideshow. I can see it now: Come One, Come All! Come see the Gassy Wonder! She Blows on Demand!
(and by 'blow', I mean break wind - NOT what you're all thinking)
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