Tuesday, October 9

The Golden Rule be some Catch 22

Ya figger ya gonna live yer life right, treat people well and then have all good things come to you, right?

Do yerself a favor and get yer head outta yer ass.

An ex-pat. buddy of mine were complaining that he don't get no Columbus day holiday (He not even a Wop, fer fuck sakes) and that there are less paid vacation days in Japan than anywhere else in the world. This kinds stuff makes me crazy. Getting paid fer work you don't do?
When were the last time you paid a pizza guy fer not bringing you the correct pie? Did ya ever give a contractor or some other person you hired a day's wages fer not showing up at work?

Do yerself a favor and get offa yer butt and earn the money you receive.
For those of you who think that big business be making a ton of cash offa yer efforts why don't you try going into business fer yerselves. See just how quickly yer ideas about pay, labor laws and unemployment insurance will change.

You don't work, ya don't eat. Simple.

Me be believin that most everyone who live in an industrialized nation be gettin an amazing amount of services. Go to yer kitchen: ya got water. Yer readin this: ya got electric power. (if you are reading this while at work then you are a thief) Ya got folks who work round the clock fer ya: Police, Fire, Medical services. Traffic lights and railway systems that actually work even if they ain't always on time. People who take yer garbage away. Sixty different types of breakfast cereal to choose from and just as many varieties of ice cream.

And ya want more.

Now what do ya do with folks who don't give as good as they get? Me not talkin about just work here folks. This be the whole ball of wax. Do ya really want to keep bein nice to them? Keep on takin shit for their inability to get it right?
Politicians and bureaucrats keep feeding us lines about how they are going to change things, but we know that this is a joke. They usually listen to those who can help them out financially. Yet they tell us that we have rights.
Nowadays everybody's got "rights". Illegals have rights. People who fuck the system and suck the very life from civilization have rights. Even convicted prisoners have rights. Iffin you don't contribute to make the world or at least yer corner of it a better place than than there be no way yer gonna convince me that you got anything coming to you.

You gonna be able to tell me what's better now than forty or fifty years ago? Is the air cleaner? The streets safer? Are the children getting a proper education? How hard do you have to work to keep yer head above water? There still be a whole lot of inequality goin around. Even after decades of fightin for a fair deal for everyone.

We try and make things fair for everyone and no one gets an even break.
There's the golden rule biting you on the ass.

Me no belive you can have it both ways.


Ed & Jeanne said...

What's better forty years later? Well personally I've developed bladder control since then; that's gotta be on the plus side. The twinkies are still fresh (I'm talking the same ones that were left in the garage from 40 years ago). I think packaged salad is an improvement; I hated all the preparation! I can buy movies to watch whenever I want to watch them. I can hire cheap illegal immigrant help to do all the things I don't like to do.

Just kidding...

Princess of the Universe said...

Hmmm, I actually do feel a spark of guilt about being a thief. I frequently read blogs at work- and not just on my lunch break.

Stacia said...

All the talk of "rights" gets very wearying, when it seems the only people who don't have them anymore are those who try to do the right thing and be left alone.

Helene said...

Just came by to say howdy! Hope all is good with you there! I;ll be back when i have time to read! =] Have a great day.