Wednesday, October 10

Neither here nor there

Things be feelin a little off kilter these days.
Me just ain't got the time me needs to visit and comment and me be be pretty certain that there be lots of folks who be in a similar situation.

there be an awful lot of people who are not postin these days either and Me kinda wish that Southern Girl were still around so she could do a chart or something to explain the mad exodus.

It be starting to really feel like the drive of the lemmings here. We go through cycles and this one seems quite severe. Mebbe it's all coincidence, but me has felt a change in the vibe recently and although Me believes that all will be well in a week or so. The lack of good laughs is making this all a strange and dreary weirdland of darkness.

Bring on the light however feeble it shines. One candle. One humorous story. One giggle starter be all we need to change the spectrum of light.

Here is a list of words that me finds silly. Me likes them and the way they roll offa me tongue.
Try 'em on and see what they do fer you.

  1. Artichoke, assassin
  2. Boondoggle
  3. Corpuscle, cucumber
  4. Diarrhoea, Dipsy doodle, dipso
  5. Epistle, egregious
  6. Flimm-flamm, flagrante, flatulent
  7. Gustatory, guffaw, gewgaw
  8. Hornswaggle
  9. Idiot, inane, iconoclast
  10. JuJubee, jocular
  11. Kalamazoo
  12. Lambaste, Lollobrigida
  13. Masticate, Malaprop
  14. Nebbish
  15. Ostrich
  16. Poop, Popsicle, perineum
  17. Queasy, Quintessential
  18. Rasputin, Raspberry
  19. senescent, scrotum
  20. Twaddle, toe nail, tumescent
  21. udder, undulating, urethra
  22. va jay jay, vacuum
  23. Wallabies, wart, wanker
  24. Xerxes
  25. Yew, yuck, YUM!
  26. Zaftig, zit, Zazu.
Me no like too much of anything.


Serena said...

Wow, it's all pretty in pink here today. Me like! There is a vibe going on, I think. It's hard to put a name to it, but I think it may just be a little malaise related to the seasonal affective thing. I know I've been feeling completely uninspired. I'm sure everybody will get their groove back, though. I love your word list! If I weren't at work, I'd be reciting them out loud.:-)

Unknown said...

Glad you are feeling in the pink...ha? OK, maybe not.

What exactly is wrong with "the drive of the lemmings" as long as there are no cliffs about?

Robyn said...

*puts on shades*

I think Serena's onto something- it's seasonal.

And I have always considered "thwart" to be silly, especially when used to describe fighting evil.

leelee said...

I can totally dig what your saying SM. I can't get into the vibe these days..I think I just have too much other stuff going on..still here in spirit my friend..and still checking up on ya.

boondoggle, twaddle, Zaftig

Crushed said...

I've invented a new game- When people ring the office and basically ask for information, I tell them they need to send an e-mail to the Marketing/IT/Accounts/Human Resources manager.

I have invented the following names for these non-existent persons.

Ethelbert Dribble
Cuthbert Lilly
Tucker Higginbottom
Worzel Fudge
Boniface Butt
Aloysius Grungefuttock

It's even funnier when they ring back asking to speak to these dudes.

Scott said...

I like "spackle."

If you say it over and over again, after a while, it doesn't even sound like a real word anymore.



Also, "bungled." And "burgled." Anything with a "b" "u" "g" and "l" in it is pretty hilarious.

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Nice background. Are you getting kickbacks from Pepto Bismal now?

Scary Monster said...

SJ~ Me be wonderin iffin it be the seasonal change. Around the work place everyone be mighty "Genki" (a fairly untranslatable japanese word that encompasses vim, vigor, happiness and stamina.) It's just when Me logs on do me feel the malingering sense of the dog days.

Kanrei~ You've got a point there, me fr iend. Me will do me best to stay away from any coastal areas.

Robyn~ Thwarting the evil bug of depression be me new goal for the season. Do ya like the way me colors changed for autumn?

leelee~ Me were pretty surprised when me saw that Kitchen Concerts were on a break. Me figgers everyone needs some down time to deal with stuff in the real world.

INGSOC~ Me would have to come up with some funny Japanese names for that to work for me. Mebbe me can post some tonight.

Scott~ Me will make spackle the word of the day. When things go south, the Monster will be there reciting spackle over and over again using various broadway show tunes to stay rythmical.

Say hey, Willie Mays and Stay Stompy!!!!!

Scary Monster said...

Mr. Dyckerson~ Me decided upon this particular color to match with yer outfit.

? said...

I've been going through a bit of the mental constipation, too. 'Cept, I know what my problem is. My lovely hornswaggles are spilling over my bra and cutting off all circulation to my brain.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

I post once a week now. I used to be more prolific, but this new job is kicking my ass.

I was thinking about putting a header that says, "Updated every weekend." What do you think, Monster Boy?

Anonymous said...

love the colour pink, and did I see a vag-jay jay in that list? awesome word!

ThatGreenyFlower said...

Vajayjay is good. I also like uvula, fandango, Lysistrata, bumpkin, cephalopod.

I like the pink, too. I think it's radiating a feeling of contentment on my face as I read your blog.

Scary Monster said...

BB~ Me gets a similar feelin when the true monster rises and all the blood gets drawn from me encephalitic brain.

Dr. Noisewater~ The Monster be thinkin that lettin people know when you be postin and updating be a good thing. Don't let the job kick yer ass too badly, Doc.

BBH~ The reality is way better than the words we choose to represent it.

TGF~ Uvula. Me loves it! Me gettin a tickle in me throat just thinkin about it.


The Grunt said...

I'm still trucking with the blog. You can count on me.

The word thing reminded me from that scene from "Tommy Boy", I believe it was. They were in that car with the nitrous oxide tank and it started leaking. Chris Farley's and David Spade's character started tripping on the word "road". After that they got pulled over for doing two miles an hour, or something.

Anonymous said...

I should come here more often... It's very distracting from de depression I feel...
In the words serie, I ca only say that for a French speaking point of view, every English word seems a bit... strange... ;-)