Two by Two
Rain be falling steady for two days now. It's neither the type of downpour that instantly overwhelms and floods everything nor is it the kind of precipitation that tickles and taunts you; making you feel as if it is safe to go out without an umbrella without fear of getting drenched.
This be a quintessential shower. Iffin ya listen, and Me has, you can almost hear the individual pendant drops hitting various surfaces and making their very own distinct notes. Nature's orchestra, a symphony of wind, trees, leaves, asphalt and running feet.
Weather like this makes me wonder what Noah must have been thinking while sittin in he ark listening to the sounds of the water and the animals and he family. It must have been crowded, but Me reckons that it weren't all that different then than it is today living with someone else. No matter what size yer ark might be, two or more people sharing the same dwelling might find that even the largest of domiciles can feel crowded.
Most folks live their lives at a different rhythm. The daily doings that we all engage in may occasionally produce the teensy tiniest amount of stress between two folks. Every now and again The Vixen and Me bump elbows when working at home or give each other non- verbal hints about each others driving by holding onto the door handle while pressing down on the imaginary brake on the passenger side. Our kitchen is barely big enough for me to move around in so whenever Me sees her approaching Me cuts her off with: "go away, go inside and play on the computer or watch TV or whatever, just don't come into me kitchen," unfortunately she don't say the same to me when she be doin the wash.
A couple of days ago things got kind of hairy between us. Tempers flared and tears flowed. Gripes brought out of hibernation, waiting for just this moment to make life even more difficult than it already be. Me even suspected her of putting something in me dinner 'cause she weren't eating the same food me were. So now me has spent the weekend on me own and the coals of our argument are still kinda warm. It's a good time fer reflection and for retractions. Me knows me drives her up a wall and she reciprocates in kind. It ain't easy livin with another person, but it keeps you on yer toes. In time we gonna kiss and make up that's what bein married be all about.
Did Noah have these problems?
Me no walkin spanish.
oh,wow, do i know what you mean today!! my daughter moved back in this wknd, and even whough this is a big house...i feel cramped! maybe i'm just old and crotchety!?
Try having a spouse, two teenagers and one computer that is hooked up to the internet.
I'm so looking forward to empty nest syndrome.
I think Noah had more shit to deal with, literally.
What Noah was thinking was this:
I may have built this boat, but I am NOT cleaning up after all these damn animals!
I know of what you speak time, my scaly time..
Am I the onliest one that sees that this post is dated for Tuesday?
Or did I fall into a fugue state again and lose another day and it is already Tuesday?
Libby~ Normal feelings there, gal. Me mom complains about me sis alla time.
Robyn~ Me no been there Me no do that Me no feel regret.Sounds like ya got yer work cut out fer ya.
Grunt~ Yeah but Me be pretty sure that he took care of the squirrels and mice and left the big boys to he sons. That's what me would have done.
Kanrei~ That's what he wife said. "You may have built this boat, but it's your party and I am NOT cleaning up after your friends."
leelee~ Glad yer weekend were better than mine.
ADW~ No fear me child. You've just been hit upside the head with the international date line. Lilliput is GMT+ 9 hrs. So no matter what yer doin, the Monster already beat you to it.
ya there are good and bad things about being married... the good is that when you are a butthead they usually understand and forgive you later.
Sounds like you have a good handle on things there! Stay dry!
ah yes, marriage. I remember those times well!
I bet Noah was more than a bit pissed off at having to share his space with so many hairy animals :) including Mrs Noah!!
hope by the time you read this you have both kissed and made up. Life is great and too short to be mad at each other :)
p.s I actually got divorced after only 3 yrs of marriage so I am not the one to be handing out advice even though I like to :)
Noah probably did have the same problems, but at least he had the livestock to escape to. I personally think it's very hard and requires the patience of Job and the constitution of a saint to live with another person.
I had the same issues with a good friend that I let live with me this past summer.
Within a week I was craving my own space again. Heaven help me if I ever get married....
I hear ya, Scary, loud and clear. I think yelling helps.
I've wondered about that with Noah myself. Can't have been easy, with just his family and all those animals. And if someone asked him to help tidy up I can just see the "I saved all of our lives, and built this ark, don't I get a break?" look.
Yep, it is what being married is all about.
Married life is so entertaining. One minute you're up, one minute you're down. If your spouse is a friend, not just a loved one, you usually get more better days.
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