Monster Theatre
Camille, the quirky, quixotic author of LittleBird Blue passed on an idea that Me thought were a good'un. A meme of sorts where you list yer five favorite movies.
Me has always had a problem with "favorites". Me don't really have favorites of any kind. Me preferences change with me moods; so instead of posting, what would be for me, five indiscriminate movie clips. Me be choosing to place a selection of what me believes to be the defining movies of me life. Those that me remembers most fondly for they affected me like a good story ought to.
Now, for your consideration. The Scary Monster presents:
Me tried to find a clip of the movie: From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.
Both of these movies taught me about adventure and imagination. Claudia Kincaid were the first and only time me ever had romantic feelings fer a screen character
This one needs no explination.
Even now, if there's a Monster movie on TV, Me be certain to watch it!
Even now, if there's a Monster movie on TV, Me be certain to watch it!
Now although Me be a huge Star Wars fan, Me always thought that this movie had more of an effect on me. The idea that all of us have a very limited time to experience the wonders of the world were not lost on me. Darryl Hannah were pretty cute too.
Me had a hard time here it was a tough decision between Spartacus and Ben Hur. Me went with Kirk Douglas. Sorry, Charlie. Oh, what the hell...
Finally the final feature of this post belongs to...
Me realizes that me didn't put any comedies in me selection.
Gonna have to do that another time.
You see, comedies, especially the romantic ones, hold a special place in me Monster memories.
Gonna have to do that another time.
You see, comedies, especially the romantic ones, hold a special place in me Monster memories.
Me no got no popcorn.
Good idea.
You have some very interesting choices.
Gene Wilder. The only true Willy Wonka, to my mind.
Can't wait to see your comedies!
Thanks for visiting my silly blog. Intelligent comment coming in about a month. But I am your new pal.
Casablanca. American Beauty. Ummm, mind blanking out for now. I think I liked Roger Rabbit too.
You're right: you got some somberness in there, especially with that end-note.
And Gene Wilder Willy is great!
And I never did see From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. I'll have to rectify that right away. Thanks for the movie picks!
PS: I heard you can see one of the gladiators in Spartacus wearing a wrist watch in one scene. Think that's true?
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