Saturday, September 15


There be a happy making time. Even though the Scary one be prohibited from drinking Me did the unthinkable and let meself be talked into goin out with me co-workers. Oh! How they had to twist me arm. Because of this, Me come to remember some things about living that me had forgotten.

Life without friends or enemies is infinitely boring.

Honest laughter can be sweeter than any piece of music composed by man or woman.

Alcohol can make intelligent people tell the most uncharacteristic stories.

The 'sweat' on a mug of beer or your drink of choice makes it look all the more thirst slakey.

You don't always have to listen to doctors, having fun can add years too your life.

Talking about the future and sharing your dreams can make you humble.

All of the above be why Me gets outts bed in the morning.

Me knows that there are many more things that one can add to this list so go ahead and contribute something special of yer own.

Don't trip when ya stomp.

Me no forgettin what be important.


Nessa said...

Sometimes you just have to live or there's really no point or fun.

Pink said...

yep I'm with goldennib:

if you avoid alcohol, fatty foods, drugs, sex, smoking, sweets and travelling to third world countries you will live a much longer life.

but then...why bother?

Scary Monster said...

Me been wonderin 'bout just that exact thang. Me still wondering.


Corn Dog said...

Well, ummm, I have to avoid a lot of those things aforemention things because of my health entanglements. I can say from experience you get used to it. I can go out with friends to a bar and drink a Shirley Temple now and get drunk when they do. Go figure. I say stupid stuff just like they do and have just as much fun. I have no clue how that works.

Be kind to your Pancreas, Scary. He is one of those vital organs for which there is no replacement or dialysis.

I figure this was a warning. Of course I am a scaredy cat in these matters. I have hung around way too much in hospitals, in the emergency rooms. in the waiting rooms, in the chemo rooms, in the radiation rooms. I have seen too much and listened to too many stories.

Serena said...

Live as well as you can without killing yourself and as close to the edge as you can get without chopping off your own foot. I know I'm not going to get out of this life alive so I figure I might as well enjoy it as much as possible.:)

Romulus Crowe said...

I don't worry about health. I'm certain that worry is what causes many illnesses, and makes most others worse. As long as nothing hurts, nothing's bleeding and everything functions as much as it needs to, I leave it all alone.

A good malt whisky cures everything. Well, it actually 'cures' nothing. You're still ill after drinking it, but you don't mind at all. The next day's taken care of too - the pain's all in your head.

Don't take doctors too seriously. I hear time and again of those poor saps who have been told they have six months to live, so go out and spend all their money. Month seven comes along, they're as alive as ever but broke.

Giving up everything fun might add years to your life, but keeping the fun stuff adds life to your years.

Keep STOMPing!

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Shoplifting is both fun and profitable.

Nothing makes you feel more alive than stepping in dog shit on a warm summer day.

Blind prostitutes deserve our respect. You really have to hand it to them.

When life hands you lemons, rape a citrus farmer's wife.

Scary Monster said...

Corn Dog~ A contact high can be a wonderful thing. Just like infectious laughter.

Me will take care. Me be planning to stomp for a good many years to come.

SJ~ Are you telling me that there's no cure fore life?

Romulus~ Me has heard that about whisky. Tha's why Me want's ta move to Islay.

Mr.Dyckerson.~ Them be aphorisms to live by.