Sunday, September 16

A Different Look at Japan

This weeks Sycophantic Sunday post is spotlighting a photographer and artist who, as far as Me be concerned, captures an original and essential view of Japan and more specifically Japanese women.
Although many of his photos are of nudes (This be a warning to the more sensitive or prudish amongst you.) there are quite a few of other subjects covered and some paintings as well.

Go and visit Tokyo Undressed now Rikki Kasso's view of the world be especially wonderful, erotic and eye opening.

Here are a few examples of he work.

Graceful Torture

Make Believe

King Impact

Me no Artless Dodger.


Camille Alexa said...

Do you even have prudish readers, Scary Monster? I find that difficult to believe.

Scary Monster said...

Camille~ Just wanted to use that word. Havent thought of it since junior high.

Enjoy the pics.