Thursday, September 27

Me will show you mine iffin you show me yours.

At the finish of Monday's post Me had believed that me sense of humor were returning to me . This were something me were worried abot cuz me posts have had a serious side to them even when Me were tryin fer a light touch.

During me afternoon lunch break Me were patting meself on the back for the effort in creating the photoshopped Collage and the interactive approach to getting people to talk about what bugs them.
Me were also concerned about revealing a scatological fact about the Monster, But Me guesses that it turned out alright cuz the things you guys wrote were truly inspiring.
Yet as me be thinking about me posts, there be something tickling deep in the recesses of me furry little brain.

Me wondering just how many folks come here only to get me to look at their blogs. Now don't take umbrage at this. It's a valid question and me be pretty sure that you have wondered the same thing.
Me understands that people come and people go, yet as me looks at the list of people in me Stomping Buddies, which has grown to what me believes to be an amazing length in the last year, Me sees a lot of names that no longer come to visit.
It is impossible for me to visit each and everyone on that list on a daily basis. The last time me tried it took almost three hours to get through all the posts and comment on the ones me felt compelled to add me voice to, so me knows that we can't always contribute to a blogger's efforts.

The fact that Me does me utmost to post a thought each and every day makes it daunting to keep up with the pace me sets (Sometimes it's tough fer me too) and one might miss a post or three or six.
Me were considering asking you a bunch of questions about what you like or dislike about blogging or what it is that turns you off to certain posts. Me could ask you why you lose interest in a person's doodling, but Me not gonna do that.
Me wansta let things run their natural course.
You can write about that iffin ya want. Me just wants ya to say 'Hi' if ya happen to drop by. That's what me gonna do from now on when me travels by mouse. Watch fer me "stomps".

Y'all stay happy out there.

Me no got a point today.


Princess of the Universe said...


Libby said...


Nessa said...

I don't think blogging should be a chore. You should do what feels good. This is not a job. You shouldn't force it.

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Me suggest you not update every frickin' day. Me misses half your posts because me can't keep up. Me also suggest you use the extra time to visit all yer blogs...starting with MINE.

Camille Alexa said...

Your blogging pace is difficult for me to keep up with, especially since our blogging "schedules" don't seem very compatible (I'm almost always late to your parties, and every time I get here, you've got posts dated into the future, which is disconcerting).

I feel like I try to come see what you have to say almost every day, because I appreciate the unique voice (not the Monster speak, but the voice behind the speak). I like to show you I've listened to what you have to say, even if I don't have anything significant to add. I believe that feeling of community, or being there to listen (and applaud and throw rotten tomatoes and debate and whatever) is one of the more important aspects of blogging. Otherwise, why not just be writing your secret thoughts into a diary and keeping it in your panty drawer?

So even if I've nothing to add to your day's thoughts, I try to 'leave a calling card' as Decemebr once called it, just so you know I was paying attention.

The only posts I really don't like to read (from anybody, not just you) are ones about how much you hate somebody or something. A couple bloggers go on and on about how they hate a particular neighbor or their boss or even everybody out here in Blogville, then they complain when nobody has anything to add in the comments section. How can I have an opinion on you hating something? I don't. I hate things too, I just don't find them very interesting.

Scary Monster said...

P of the U~ Hi back at you.

Libby~ New avatar, huh. Gotta come by and find out who the kid is.

Nessa~ Your right, but this blog is also a bit of a project. One thought a day fer a year 365 pieces of me mind laid out in a row.

The chore is from the guilt me experiences when Me ain't got the time to visit all the really sweet people that come here.

Mr.Dyckerson.~ Me will say this. Ya got style, Dyck. Style!

Camille~ Me be consistanly and permanantly in yer future, kiddo.

Me has also been experimenting with time travel to prepare meself and those who are with me fer something that might be interesting.

Me remembers that post about Calling Card that December wrote. In fact, it were the one what got me innerested in her blog. Was it you that me got the link from? Hmmmm, Me wonder.
Me were just puzzeled that here in the blog-works people leave calling cards just to get you to visit their spaces. They drop by a few times, leave a comment then add you to their blogroll and ya often never see them again.
If someone visits me twice and comments; me tries to remember to add them to me list of stomping buddies.

Keep On Stompin.

Libby said...

stompy-i have no idea who that avatar is, but it looks exactly like me aT THAT AGE!!!

Anonymous said...

Scary Monster, a big HI! from Ozland

I know that if I go through every person on my bloglist, I am at my computer for no less than four to five hours a day. So I know why sometimes I just skim read over or leave it a day or two and then I have to catch up.

Just keep on keepin' on! :)

puerileuwaite said...

I can't even keep up with my own blog anymore, let alone anyone elses.

Serena said...

I have an increasingly hard time keeping up with everyone's blogs simply because there's so much great stuff out there and my list of "must reads" grows exponentially all the time. I always drop by to see you, though, just because I love the scary little monster.:)

morgetron said...


You know ... some times it's tough for me to keep up with my own laundry, let alone my full-time job, two children, husband, and insane dog, who is at present tearing up my couch, but I'm letting him because he's leaving me alone!

So ... I don't visit as often as I'd like but it's not because I don't love love love the Monster.

I've missed the Monster's visits to my blog too.

I feel like I've lost some blogging friends lately because I don't post comments regularly enough. I guess I just have to deal because the people who really like my blog keep coming back even though I don't post comments at their blog as much as I used to.

I know that visiting other blogs is a good way to get traffic to your own blog, but for me that's not the ultimate goal in visiting others. I love interacting intellectually ... or stupidly with people around the world. It blows my mind that I can share thoughts will people time zones away from me.

I am aware that my visits do earn me visits though.

I recently have decided that I must blog. It's a creative outlet. I'm going to do it even if NO ONE comes to visit, so if I lose readers because I don't visit, then that's how the proverbial cookie crumbles.

And for the record, I do some times visit blogs, but for a multitude of reasons, do not comment -- reasons ranging from -- I only have two minutes to check three or four favorites, to one of my kids needs me, to my hubby wants to have some alone time (if you know what I mean *wink* *wink*), to I have to do something job-related, to Laundry Mountain calling my name -- you get the point. Some times I just don't because I can't think of anything witty or smart to say. In the words of Harper Lee, "Well, it's better to be silent than to be a fool."

Love yah Monster. I be stompin'.


morgetron said...

Check this out:

Blogging Without Obligation

Also: Your post made me feel like posting the comment I wrote on my blog. I have invited others to join the conversation as well: CHECK IT OUT DOOOOOD..

Pink said...


Pink said...


ok ok

we are ALL having a hard time keeping up with bloggin' - yours and mine and everyone elses.

oh well.

everything has its own life cycle.

Scary Monster said...

Looks as if the general consensus is that we all take a lot of of our precious time not only creating our posts, but in visiting others as well. Me will keep that in mind and consider that when me sees that people have come to visit.

Once again good stompin. Me has learned much from all of you.

Emily Maple said...


Unknown said...

I read more than I comment. Yours is one of those I visit very day though. You get me thinking and I like that. I don't come here to get you to come to mine do anyway and I thank you for that so much.

BTW, I think I got an idea for me, you, and VE. It is cliche', but turned around on itself.

Stacia said...

I've had to take some time away from blogs lately...but I still think of my blog buddies and hope soon I'll be around more.

Anonymous said...

I have nothing new to tell you... as I am in the same position than anyone else... Too much to do for the little time i have... and it's a shame... ;-(