Sunday, September 16

Jew for a day.

Last week, Wednesday was the start of the Jewish new year. The day is called Rosh Hashanah. The Shofar, a ram's horn, is blown and the new year begins.
Six days from now the Jewish community will gather once again and celebrate Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. This is the day where you do yer best to square things with your maker.
In between these two important days is a period known as the "days of awe". It is here, during this time; where you have to balance the scales with the world around you 'cause once the Day of Atonement is over all judgement is passed on you and "the books" are closed. These books are Gods way of keeping track of things. This could be why many Jews become accountants. It makes 'em feel that much closer to the holy spirit.

Me likes the idea of gettin things settled between Me spiritual self and Me worldly self. Then putting it all behind me and starting new. Ya don't have to be a Jew to see the sense in this.

Me has cleaned me home and is now in the process of workin out all the other kinks in me life.
Me gonna go someplace quiet where Me can see the beauty of God and all the majesty of creation and contemplate the workings of our relationship.
Me figgers a really nice mountain view and a couple of hours of solitude just might do the trick. A place where the sky be wide and the vista, spectacular.

There be no mysticism or religious affiliation needed to do this. Ya won't lose yer soul and burn in Gehenna fer gettin in touch with yer past mistakes and vowing to do better. Anybody's beliefs could fall into place with these actions.
Truth be told, ya don't even need a specially appointed time to do this stuff. Just doing it be enough.

Me no complete heathen.


Pink said...

Me learns something new every day.

Happy Balancing

Serena said...

Balance in all things is good because if your Yin is out of whack, your Yang won't work for you.

Scary Monster said...

Pink~ That be a great way to go through life.

SJ~ Knew someone were gonna pull on me Yang. LOL.

Mayden' s Voyage said...

You said,
"Ya won't lose yer soul and burn in Gehenna fer gettin in touch with yer past mistakes and vowing to do better"-
I didn't go to church today- but this was all the sermon I needed to hear- thank you :)

(I did spend the day cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms though! :)