Tuesday, September 25

Gimme that Damn Penny

There really isn't anything wrong with the world.

Now, kind people, before you start bombarding me comment section with a litany of ills that plague our planet, please stroll a bit with me and let's see iffin we can make some sense.
If there is a problem with what you see around you, then the problem lies within you. Yes Me be totally serious here.
You cannot separate yourself from the world or society or from the personal relationships you have developed or plan to cultivate during your lifetime. This says to me that the world is merely a projection of how one sees the relationship that is held between yourself and society at large. If you agree with this then maybe it be better to start looking within ourselves for understanding, for our own problems are the worlds problems.

Now if ya gonna ask about all the negative aspects of the world such as poverty, war, injustice, crime, obesity, homelessness, thievery, murder, arson, greed, the mistreatment of children and animals, rape, jingoism, religious intolerance, socioeconomic disparity, etc.
Ask yerself iffin these ain't problems born of the human animal.
These are not the problems of the world, they are the issues that lie within ourselves because we have created them and we ain't gonna get things right on the outside until we get them right on the inside.

Me figgers this were a rant.

Me no always like what me sees.


Ed & Jeanne said...

You mean its the entire world's problem that I cannot find a decent bagel this morning? Damn, I knew the issue was bigger than I thought. Excuse me now, I need to go back and hug that cafeteria working that served me this morning.

Unknown said...

I think you are talking about our old friend "perspective" and all the evils it brings along. Until we can see all things from all sides there will always be conflict. The world is perfect. It is us that are screwed up. I am right with you 100% SM!

Anonymous said...

With you at every step.
I look at every interpersonal problem I encounter as a mirror of my own inner conflict. By extension, no global conflict or problem can be resolved until I address it for myself.

Wars on the other side of the world aren't related to little old me? Do I carry hatred, and belief in violence as a solution in my heart? Do I allow that to exist?

If me can wake up so can the rest of me. The more that do the better. People spit the word "idealist" and turn away, but believe it. Personal change is global change. It happens with each one of us, right now.

ThatGreenyFlower said...

Global change may start with personal change, but it does not end there.

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Oh God, not more deep shit. Me is feeling queasy...


Scary Monster said...

VE~ This thought about the bagel is veeeery interesting, me talented, twisted, blogger bud. You see, the bagel is actually quite representative in exposing the conundrum of what you are actually searching for and yer desire to return to the place where the Yoni yum yum issue originated to engage in a physical display of affection produces yet another facet of the fantastical workings of yer mind. Ahh, but that is all the time we have. Me will see you next week to discuss these revelations. Same Bat time, same Bat channel.

Kanrei~ Yes, me must admit that it be this thing called perspective that has for a long time now left me trying to look at things with different sets of glasses, but the only difficulty lies in that no matter what pair of spectacles me puts on me face; they all be belonging to me, so the perspective never truly changes, does it?

Jimh~ It may seem that occurances that are taking place very far away may be due directly to our actions, yet we live and work and approve of a society that is founded on economic and social principals that actually give rise to such actions.
War is simply a means to wrest wealth power and land from an opposing group of people unwilling to share those things with you. Very similar to a mugging on a very large scale.

TGF~ As in all journeys it be the first step that counts the most. And any smart explorer always had a Hudson's Bay start.

Mr. Mighty Dyckerson~ Me agrees with you 100%. It's just that me don't have the writing skills to turn an explosive case of diarrhoea into an allegory resolving inner pressures and vicssitudes one encounters when looking to expel them


Unknown said...

Or to prevent such a mugging, of course. I wouldn't say that I approve, exactly.

Scary Monster said...

jimh Me meant to say that things may *not* be due directly to our actions. Oops.

It's not the mugging per se, it's what precipitates it. Thievery is not an act of casual violence.

No one, not even the perpetrator approves of such actions. That's why one always justifies the action by placing the blame on the victim or society.

-Cora said...

I have simply got to catch up with you!
-same chick- new blog :)

Sun Follower said...

...you may say I'm a dreamer... but I'm not the only one...

Serena said...

The world doesn't need changing; it's us. The world will go on with or without us. We (humankind) shape it, though, through our attitudes and actions ... perspective.

Camille Alexa said...

You make no distinction between the collective we, the human animal, and the individual, but you seem to imply all three at different times.

I'm not sure I find this a workable illustrative model.

Stacia said...

*sob* Why can't we all just get along?

Anonymous said...

I think you might be right. The world has everything here for us, it's the thinking that fucks it up.

puerileuwaite said...

If my problems truly ARE the world's problems, then why isn't the world fixing them? They need to appoint a commitee to track every time I come up with another problem, so it can be efficiently addressed.

And it's about damned time SOMEBODY mentioned the raging issue of jingoism. After all, I had many a "hard day's night" dealing with Ringoisms, and jingoism is only one letter off.

Mayden' s Voyage said...

One day I met a group of people who lived high in the mountains in SE Asia. They had no running water, except for a beautiful stream that ran through their village.
They had electricity- but only for a few hours each day.
There were NO toys to be seen, but lots of kids playing with sticks and using their imaginations.
None of the little ones had shoes.
The view of the mountain just beyond the village was breathtaking- "a million dollar view"- from a mud hut.

To this day- that was the most contented and peaceful group of people I've ever met. Everytime I think of China- that's where I want to return to.

Good rant...full of truth.

Scary Monster said...

Mrs.C.~ Is this a new project or has the voyage come to an end?

Camille~ Eventhough we are individuals, we are a collective as well utterly connected to the world and our personal perception of it.

That we habitate and interact with each other leads me to believe that we are in many ways interdependant on each other. When one wants to place the blame of our personal difficulties on the circumstances of our birth or of the society at large then we must accept personal blame for we are a part of the human network.

If we are to say that poverty or hunger is bad than we must also see the part we play in propagating such conditions. There is no distinction between the individual and the world. We are a part of it just as much as it is a part of us.

December~ We can get along if we can learn to tolerate and understand that the things we often dislike about others resides in ourselves as well.

BBH~ Thinking doesn't neccesarily fuck things up, sweetie. We just might try and realize that we project our ideas of the way the world is and tell ourselves that everyone else thinks that wat too.

PUG~ Yer teasing me again, aren't you. Here's a Milk Bone.

Cora~ Mebbe me has too much comfort in me life and time on me hands to think of this stuff. If Me were to say this stuff to any of them villagers, they'd probably die laughing.


Scary Monster said...

Sun follower~ Lots of dreamers out there. Keep following the sun.

SJ~ Many folks would agree with you Serena, but the problem is in finding the right path or paths that will allow all the proper balance of freedom, service, sacrifice, and expression without a feeling of rancor or obligation.
