That things be happening at this particular point in time be kinda puzzling to mesself.
Two days before the epilogue post and all hell breaks loose.
Me ain't talked about me family much on Me No Blog cuz this ain't a family type of place. Wait, Me gotta take that back. It is a family. A strange and decidedly bizarre family that me has truly come to love in a daffy delirious kind of way.
Me done did me thing and many of you been here fer a long time or short, but you gone and helped me to achieve the thing what me set out to do.
Me gonna be heading back to the rotten core of the Big Apple fer a time and iffin any of you just happen to be in that area, drop me a line and mebbe we can get together fer a beer or six. I promise not to STOMP....too loudly.
Me no thinkin 'bout tomorrow.
So I surmize that family doings are driving you back to New York? Sounds like that isn't where you want to be. Could be worse, it could be Detroit...
I'm all over the world. Iffn I get there again, you've got a deal!
VE~ The trip may or may not last. Me knows not where the winds of fortune will be taking me ship, but iffin me ever finds mesself around yer neck of the woods you will have to buy the first of many rounds.
Whew- you are really coming to the east coast?
Makes my wheels spin- thinking of how long the trip is, are you ok, will you be ok...
I can't help but feel there's some deep stuff going on here- but maybe I'm peering up at you from my own pool of junk and projecting too much? I don't know.
Please stay in touch- and I'll keep checking in- I might try to send you an email tonight or tomorrow- with some more contact info.
I'm thinking of you and hope that things will be well~ ugh...sounds so shallow when I re-read that-
but I mean it-
Me no understand. Are you quitting blogging AGAIN??? STUMPED!
I am with the fat clown on that!
Please don't quit.
I'm with Dyck and the Lamb. I actually got a job, Scary so I've been absent for a few days. Absent but not deserted.
I'm in San Fran if you are coming across this way.
Start spreading the news
I'm leavin' today
I want to be a part of it
New York, New York
Like Ernie Hudson said at the end of Ghostbusters: "I LOVE this town!"
Fond memories of that place, plus I appreciate the honesty. If you're in somebody's way, they will tell you. Plus, red lights are only a suggestion. Good times, my friend, good times.
There. Better now?
Hey peoples. Me No Blog may be done with but the Scary Monster is far from finished with he work.
me comment.
you stomp.
you email me at
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