They're Coming to Take Me Away.
Hmmm, what's up? Me don't really know, so me cain't tell you.
What me can say is iffin me daily up dates suddenly stops then something not be going well in Lilliput. Damn It's times like these that ya wish ya lived in Denmark.
Do yerself a favor. Go into me archives and pick a month, any month. Find a post ya ain't seen before or iffin ya go back far enough pick one where there be no foot prints. Click on the comment button and let us know what ya think.
Me may not be able to get back to ya right away, but Me will enjoy the fact that you be doin sumpin that adds to the balance of this place.
Balance be a good thang and it just might save that dog.
Me no like limbo.
"But the truth is Me just wants to STOMP on Santa and his friggin reindeer." December 2006
I have worked retail for 15 years, including one Yuletide in a toy store. It will NOT give you a love of your fellowman, lemme tell ya.
One word - Cabo.
Hey folks. Me means that you should place the comment at the post ya read so it shows up on the recent comments sidebar.
Hi SM,
Sorry you are still in your funk. My funk began about three weeks before yours, and mine is almost gone now, so relax. You have a week or two more and then the Stompy-ness begins anew. Smile my friend!
Best cover ever.
stompy-just stopped by to say hi, i'll go back in your blog as soon as i can, and pick out a post to reread, and comment on! Bounce!!
rut-roh!! hope you are not in trouble..
nah. me don't like the dog that much. me not gonna comment ;)
Funks come, funks go. Hopefully, sooner rather than later.
Me like the doggie. Please no shoot!
Me searched yer archives and found yer post from Christmas 1968. Me be happy you liked yer BB gun. BANG!
Just read all of November, 2007, and grew quite nostalgic.
"Spotted Dick" sponge pudding- Ugh~ Jan 2007-
LOL- :)
I had the suicide cat and now you have the hostage dog. We're just a couple of animal lovers, we are! I did go back...err...I had missed your earlier fantastical post on the dead celebrity survivor support team (which was awesome). You should do a "best of" like I did. Pick out a few of what you think are your funniest for best and feature them. It would be interesting to see what you are most proud of, etc.
Don't hurt the doggie! And don't go away. I'm just getting to know you :)
Be well. x
No one's following your directions, Scary. Not even me. So, I guess that means the dog might be...dead? I have a .38 just like the one in the picture. Sweet.
you look like an avocado and what's this STOMP shit?
Since I'm fairly new here, I will have loads to read. Be prepared for some inspiring and enlightened comments; D
Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Eventually balance will return.
I love it when you are demanding.
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