Sunday, September 9

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Welcome to Monsters "Sycophantic Sunday".
Today me will going fer third base and you folks at home can get the RBI and bring me home with yer comments.

The Good.
Most every Blogger me knows enjoys a good read. Today me happened on just that at

East, West and Everything in Between.
This is Boob Hug Betty

Written by Betty Boob Hug ; this blog from down under has a self effacing way of looking at the foilbles of life and BBH has a great way of presenting a story that draws you in and allows you to feel the moment.
She don't need me support for she got plenty of readers, but iffin ya take the time to visit her place, Me tells ya that their be nuthin to make ya sorry that ya did.
Monster's Note: The writer's name is Betty Boob Hug. The icon pictured above is Boob Hug Betty.

The Bad
The Monster dislikes a Rip-Off. Stealing someone else's work is the lowest form of flattery.
The Generator Kid has done just that. Karthik has pretty much copied the Generator Blog which is a great place to find all kinds of great dodads fer yer posts. Check out what me made with he help. Iffin ya want to play with such things. Stick to the original.

The Ugly
Anybody who reads me drivel must know by now about the inanity that passed between Kermit and Me. It seems that Me not be alone in the banality that this person brings to the comment section.
For the pure pleasure of it; Me believes that we should develop a system for tracking and informing the blogging public of her whereabouts. KermiLert. Yes, me understands that this will bring her a certain amount of fame and prominence in the bloggysphere, but Me be pretty certain that it not be the kind of fame she be looking fer.
KermiLert: Don't go blogging without it.

Me no feelin lucky, punk.


Kritkrat said...

I'd never been to the Generator Blog before and I have a feeling that has been a huge mistake on my part that will be corrected in the very near future...

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

I'm not going to steal your rubix cube idea, but I may put a picture of Dr. Kenneth on a slinky. I guess that's still kind of stealing. How about the good Doctor's picture on a set of steak knives?

Robyn said...

I am totally getting a posh twin.

And an M&M version of myself.

Nessa said...

I went to the busty lady's place. looks interesting.

Scary Monster said...

K-Puppy~ It's a great place. Good fer tweaking a post.

Doc.~ Ya just might get more use outof a slinky than a pubic, Me means rubicks cube. The steak knives might be used for preforming a briss.

Robyn~ How much more posh do you need to be, woman. Make sure you become an orange M&M any other color would clash with yer super hero outfit.

Nibbles~ It be rad. She told a story about stealing she dads car that had me in fits.


Serena said...

That generator site is cool, as is the busty one's place.

KermiLert. LOL.:)

Camille Alexa said...

I just checked out BHB's post and it made me want to go watch that stupid-sounding Mormon show I thought I never would. She's good.

Nessa said...

Are you game? Please play with me.

Corn Dog said...

The Generator Blog is awesome. Thanks.

My version of the KermiLert is the delete key. I run my blog a little different than you do, Scary. I'm not that magnanimous. If I don't like a comment on my blog, I whack 'em. Of course, the spam catcher is eating some crap I don't even know about. I don't know what the spam catcher's issue is. Maybe he is my guardian.

Stacia said...

You gotta love a girl called "Boob Hug Betty". How cool is that?

Anonymous said...

HEY there! Thank you so much for doing that write-up for me -WOW - bless ya! Do you know how happy I am that somebody I don't know would write about my writing? I'm THIS happy; boob hugs all round.

Thanks Monster, thanks guys.

[skipping off, big smile on dial, boobies a swingin']

Anonymous said...

p.s I'm new to this...who's the one that is 'kermiLert' ??!! Or can't you say?

Anonymous said...

me again! Did some reading and got 'up to speed'

I am now clued in as much as I'll ever be. good writing - have you checked out crushed by ingsoc? (I link to him) I've just started reading his stuff and he seems to like to wonder about things the same way you do. It's deep - but very interesting. Mind you, he doesn't have a scary monster's voice to make it just that bit 'on the edge'...but you guys think along the same philosophical lines.

Scary Monster said...

SJ~ Me thought you already knew about that place. How did you find all the dohickies ya out on yer blog?

Camille~ Don't know about the watching the Mormon show, but Me will go back to she blog fer some boob hugs.

Nibbles~ No promises,(Got a big post to do today.) but me will hop on over see what it is you be wantin me to play.

CornDog~ Me likes yer direct approach and Me uses it IRL, but when Me staeted this thang Me wanted to hear everyone's voice.

Decstacia~ She is way cool as is yer new avatar. Makes ya look fun! Like Me wants ta take ya to an amusement park and hit the bell with the mallet!

BBH~ Girl, you are most welcome, but this be "Sycophantic Sunday" so Me probably just sucking up to ya so Me can get a boob hug.
The answer to the kermit thing is in last week's posts. Ingsoc sounds like an innerestin read.


Serena said...

The doohickies come from various sites that provide blog widgets, but now I've found whole new depths to plumb. Thanks!

Crushed said...

I did used to blog in my normal grunts, but none of my fellow Neanderthals read the blog.