...twice if it's nice.
If there is one thing that puts ants in me pants it's watching sports on TV.
Iffin Me be out at a ball park, sittin in the bleachers or court side, me be fine. Other than that Me just can't sit back and watch athletes doin their thang. Me gots to get out after a game and do it too.
Don't take me too literally here folks. Me don't run out and start doin sprints nor does Me cut a length of bamboo and pole vault over the neighbor's bushes.
We can't sit back and not get involved. We all be connected. Now, Me don't be talkin about the spiritual thing. It's literal.
We are truly and physically connected. Our words and thoughts reach out and influence each other just as if we were sittin across from each other shootin the breeze over a couple of beers.
Me likes that. When Me were a bartender, the best thing about the job, aside from the cash, were the lively and interesting discussions that happened. Here is a practical guide for getting involved and becoming a bartender.
Me want me three minutes back. TICK TOCK!
I sent you a photo~
Dyck!!~ Why? So you can write another post?
Mrs.C.~ Got it. Will see iffin Me can do sumpin fun with it.
I wish I could get into sports. I just doesn't do it for me.
That video was gross.
we really are all connected...not just on a consciousness level either. when I breathe, the air itself is probably full of someone else's discarded skin bits.
the circle of life continues...
You should have warned me about the video. I was watching it from the Sunday school....just kidding.
Ummmm, yeah, that video did kind of blow.
I bet you were an awesome bartender though, aside from the green slime slipping into the cocktails.
Morgetron~ The sports were an allegory. What does do it fer ya?
Pink~ Circle of life, yeah. Me gonna use that the next time me floats a wolf bicuit and The Vixen gives me a dirty look.
VE~ Me had Sunday school in mind when Me posted the vid. LOL.
Dr.Noisewater~ Me charged extra fer the slime and only excepted tips from the ladies.
Must keep the customers happy.
Oh, very good and literally TIGF!!!
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