The Art of Evil.
All too many times we forget to laugh.
Me don't mean listenin to a stand up comic tellin us jokes while we sit back, get drunk on clip joint booze and laugh at stuff that iffin we weren't half in the can inna first place, couldn't crack a smile on a hyena's face. Then there's the regaling friends with well worn, rehashed stories of the moronic escapades of our teenage years which force us to twitter at stories that invariably start with: Hey, remember the time that...
Me be talkin about real laughs.
The kind you can only get at someone else's expense.
Slapstick does a good job of mimicking such escapades of stupidity and misfortune, but never truly catches the reaction of someone who after doing a full day's shopping, laden down with an array of parcels; slipping on the ice and snow in the middle of a busy street landing on their ass, bags flying everywhere, while everyone around tries to suppress the guffaws that just naturally ejaculate from the multitude.
Even if it's painful, it's funny. Just so long as it ain't happenin to you.
Me loves bicycle crashes and can't stop cackling when me sees them. Me be guessin that a lot of other folks agree with me for these kinds of vids get a gazillion hits! Cat crashes, sports crashes, skateboard crashes, and even kiddie collisions.
Laugh! Be it highbrow or low, just laugh!
Giggle or cackle, snickeror snort! Let it out . You gonna feel better for doin it.
Me be putting a poll up to find out what you thing be the perfect act of comedic evil.
What would you do?
How far would you go to procure a laugh?
Me no imitating black people!
Hmmm. I was clicking randomly on a black background for a video when this white box appears in place of it. Are others laughing with me or at me for that? I'm so confused.
For some reason that Me caint unnerstand, the vids are taking a veeeeery long time to load. Me offers me appypollylogies for the problems. Iffin it continues me will work out a way to make the vid more readily accesible.
Thank you fer ya patience, VE.
I NEVER fall for that raw fish joke...are you kidding me?
"It's funny 'cause I don't know them" - Homer Simpson
"It's always funny til someone gets hurt and then it's just hilarious" -Faith No More
YouTube's been ditching out the past couple days.
Scary Monster gets huge points in the point bank for using an undeclared Clockwork Orange reference.
Best blog post title ever.
We've been watching a lot of episodes of That 70s Show here--lots of funny meanness there. Especially punches for no reason. Always funny.
Laughing at others brings light and joy to my life.
Great quotes there, Kanrei!
Me be glad you mentioned that, Camile. Me thought it were me machine or me server. Mr. Burgess' book is a masterpiece of contemporary future history, Me malenky droog.
December~ When living abroad, comedy be the first thing one misses. Even if yer livin in a place that kinda speaks the same language as you.
Ahh, you see what Me sees Ms. Singleton. How about we get together and pop children's balloons together.
Hey S what does the 's' stand for? Me actually brought a lighter with me to a sushi go round, just for a gag. The people were not amused.
Yeah, Scary, ditto Camille's sentiments on the Clockwork Orange reference. {{{SCARY APPLAUSE}}}
YouTube's been wonky, sure enough.
Listen, I'd take a lighter to a sushi bar. Raw fish just gives me the heaves, you know what I mean?
Oh, but you were asking a question. Slapstick, for sure!
mmmm...i may be outdated here, but..."The Three Stooges" were always MY favorite!!
What makes me laugh is the out-of-place, such as this:
To keep in with the current vernacular, it be real horrorshow, droogies.
Not one for those who gasp at 'damn' though.
SJ~ Me loves the raw fish. YUM!
Libby~ Me dig the Stoooges, but seein their kinda gags happen to real people makes chuckle and grunt!
Romulus Long time no see! Me lurks over at yer place every once in a while, but Me has been deficient in leaving a comment. In other words a real sodding chelloveck.
The vid was great! Especially the guy holding the camera and cracking up over he birds comments.
I love laughing at my dog. In fact, I was laughing at the small one today and the she devil jumped on my mouth. 13 pounds of solid fury.
It would bring me great joy to pop balloons with you. Perhaps we can also knock their ice cream cones right out of their hands. Let us spread some joy.
We will watch Funniest Videos just to see some Dad get hit by his son's baseball bat.
Damn, Corndog~ Did you send yer pup to Bruce Lee's obedience school?
Ms. Singleton~ Sounds good to Moi.
Goldennib~ Ya know the kid were doin it on purpose cuz the dad wouldn't get him the new trasformer fer he birthday, ya.
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