Sunday, August 19

Time off and Bad behaviour

There be sumpin about being around and workin in familiar surroundings.

Me likes to get away to escape and lose meself in adventure and behold new vistas, but coming home enfolds me in a warmth and security that be glowing and intimate.
Me must work tomorrow, just fer a bit mind you, there be some things that need doing and the fact that Me didn't complete them before Me left kinda preyed on me mind. It were a kinda itch that isn't too annoying iffin ya be feelin sleepy, but once yer wide awake, you find the compulsion to scratch at it.

There be some new folks joinin the team where me works and Me can't wait to see what it will be like workin with 'em. Me be hopin that they be on the zany side for that will give me lots of new raw material fer me posts.
Me likes meetin people.
In fact, all me friends were strangers to me before me met them.
Now they just be strange.

Me no ramblin man.


morgetron said...

Hey! I hope this year treast you well, good Monster. My first week back went quite well. When you've been away for a while and you come back, many times you can catch the vibe for the new year. I have good feelings about this year.

morgetron said...

treast = treats

Grrrrrr ...

Scary Monster said...

What kinda calendar you be usin there, J?

It Be August, 19 in Gergorian.

August 6 according to the old Julian system.

The Hebrews think it be year 5767, Elul, 5
and for those who be tryin to kill them it's 1428. The 5th of Sha'ban.

The Persians, what be left of them after two assults from the U.S. Govt. proclaim it to be- 1386 of Mordad, 28. Not Sunday, but Yekshanbeh.

Wait a second! You Be a teacher too. So that might mean that you be startin yer year in September. Now me be makin sense of it. LOL


Pink said...

Chicken or egg. Your friend and strange...which came first?


Scary Monster said...

The one smoking the ciarette!


puerileuwaite said...

I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.

Scary Monster said...

Pug~ Somehow Me thinks ya talk to strangers just to keep 'em from noticing yer pissin on their leg.


Stacia said...

Well, I hope your new coworkers are good people too. Nothing's worse than working with a bunch of people you hate, and I know that from experience.