Saturday, August 18

The Monster's Recant.

In the recent past Me stated that Me were gonna give up alla vices of the world.

It didn't happen.

Me just got to realize that me be enjoying all the things that will keep me from attaining sainthood.
What? You got a problem wit dat.
For everyday the sun rises and sets there be way too many questions that roam around me head. Which voice speaks loudest in you?

Me got to a point where Me thought that me could clean up me life by takin away the outside evils that influence it.

Things just don't work that way, do they?

I guess girls just wanna have fun.
So Me will ask you again and hope for an answer.
Which voice speaks loudest in you?
Tell me how you live.

Me no foolin around here.


ThatGreenyFlower said...

That's a big question.

I choose my vices carefully and try to make sure they don't hurt anyone (including me) least, they don't hurt very much. The ones I love that aren't relationship-or-life destroyers, I keep and nourish. I can't live without SOME vices.

AA lore says, "You have to act your way into right thinking--you can't think your way into right acting." Removing the outside influences sounds like it might be a way of trying to think yourself into right acting.

Besides all that, may I ask what it is that makes you think you're not where you're supposed to be? You seem like a good person to me.

Anonymous said...

Pssst! Follow *me* - I have something to tell you....

Serena said...

Yay, Scary is saved! Yay-uss!! No, seriously, one has to have a few vices; otherwise, life isn't much worth living.

How do I live? In the moment, for the moment, moment to moment.

The Duchess said...

Wow- that is a big question. I generally try to keep to the vices that cause the least amount of damage. I.e. chocolate and manicures vs cocaine and gambling...

Everything in moderation.

Pink said...


i wish it was something more noble but it isn't.

the voice that speaks loudest in my head is the voice of fear. it is fear that keeps me in line, and sometimes it is fear that leads me astray.

sigh. fear sucks.

Corn Dog said...

ice cream. The way I figure it, it's the only thing that keeps me reincarnating. I die and go wander around nirvana awhile in my spirit state. Finally I tell the Powers That Be I need to come back to earth to learn more lessons. It's all a lie. I come back for the ice cream.

Corn Dog said...

Somehow I sense you have taken up smoking again.

Little Lamb said...

I'm too critical. I could be in the perfect place and still find fault. That's one thing I'd like to get rid of.

Scary Monster said...

Greenyflower~ Me belives that in general Me be a fairly decent Monster, yet there are many times that, whether through ignorance, indifference, sefishness or pride, Me just seems to make a whole lot of people unhappy with me. Both here and in real life.

Grrrl~ Thanks kiddo. That was sweet.

SJ~ Sounds rightous to me, Serea.Can Me get a witneeeesss!

Dutchess~ Thanks fer dropping by. Me will come calling as soon as me be finished with these replies. The problem with being a Monster is that there be very little moderation in me emotional make up.

Pinkadoo~ Fear be a pretty good thing. It generally keeps me from trying to pet lions at the zoo and insulting Amazon warriors at the pub.

Corn Dog~ Guilty as charged. "The wages of sin is death, but after taxes it's only just a tired feeling" Me thinks it were Paula Poundstone who said that.

Ice Cream. Definitly a Tom Robbins YUM.


Scary Monster said...

That doesn't sound like you at all, Lambkins.

Me has always pictured you as a cheerful hoppy creature, speading happiness and making sure me day gets plenty of sunshine.


NYD said...

Hey there buddy. Don't let the weather bring ya down. You got some time off and enjoying life for life's sake is why we're put here. As you already know the voice of wonder and amazement is what makes it all work for me.

Little Lamb said...

That's how I'd like to be. My online friends don't know all of my faults.

puerileuwaite said...

The one that says, "Don't listen to that other voice, Pug. We both know it's wrong to place anything in the public mailbox that will make other folks' letters stick together."

puerileuwaite said...

Lamby, I think we know enough for concern.

Little Lamb said...


X. Dell said...

The voices that speak the loudest? Actually, I don't hear voices.

But I know what you mean. Depends on the moment.

David said...

The voice from the supercomputer from the future that rings me up from the year 2097. No seriously, it's the one I trust the most.

morgetron said...

1. I hate being bored, so if there's nothing happening, I make it happen.

2. I try not to screw up my surroundings, particularly the natural world, too much.

3. I try to be nice to everyone.

4. I'm slowly whittling away at my vices.

5. I try to model myself after people who did a good job of being -- like Jesus, Mother Theresa, MLK Jr.

Number one is the tenet I'm able to pull off most effectively. The key words in two, three, and five are "try." I mostly fail miserably. Number four becomes more and more true every day, except for the days when I go back to them momentarily.