Wednesday, July 18

Takin Stock of Sock Stuffers

Many folks knock Blogger and me cain't figger out why.
Them guys and of course, gals, produce a pretty good thang.
They be coming up with nifty things fer the sidebar like the new poll dohicky and the problems that occur never really last fer a long time.
There be some things me wishes they would try out, like having multiple pages so a person didn't have to create a new blog just to post pics or try something new.

What ideas you be havin about new things fer yer blog?
What kind of gizmos and wheeliegigs would make a cool addition to PlanetBlog?

Me no drink milk straight from carton.


Anonymous said...

I stopped using Blogger because it had so many errors and the *new* Blogger was a bitch to customize as for overall appearance. The widgets and gadgets are cute but they didn't suit my needs because I wanted a blog yes but a full website as well.

In going back to my old favorite Wordpress - I'm able to have pages, categories, just about anything as a standard and then with the plugins I can upload - there are virtually no limits.

Wordpress is free, my webhost is only $8 a month (there are many cheaper but I needed a big one) and my domain name is $8 per year - its better suited for me. I also host my best friend in a "sub domain" and he uses Wordpress as well.

I hated how slow Blogger could be, how many lost posts I had from errors, how sometimes it wouldn't allow me to upload and I hated especially how the titles and links only worked when they felt like it. Then with the advent of the *new* blogger templates - I threw in the towel and left completely. There's only so much you can do with the code unless you use the "revert to classic" feature but then there is no widget compatability and everything is manual all over again.

I've been blogging under one name or another since 2003 and I think I've tried most of the old standard blogging sites, the only true satisfaction I've gotten is through Wordpress and my own domain. Like when they say "if you want something done right..." ya know?

I do suggest Blogger to any friends who are new to blogging though - its easy and free.

Suggestions to Blogger?

- Since all uploaded photos are stored in Picasa Webalbums anyway - perhaps integrate galleries that will show in sidebar widgets.

- allow better user customization in the *new* templates like personalized background images, etc.

- add integrated hit counters so we can stop using the crappy ones that have pop-ups or tracking cookies.

- since Blogger is Google then why not add G-Talk features available in a customizable widget for the sidebar? I know lots of folks who use G-Talk from their work places and would love to chat from their blogs...

Stomp on gorgeous monster...

Scary Monster said...

Awesome ideas. That beats the shit out of anything me were thinking about. Grrrl, you really take this stuff seriously, ya? Cool

Ed & Jeanne said...

New things for my blog? I thought I'd try to post something entertaining for a change. How would that be?

Scary Monster said...

Me likes yer posts Evil-E. Spechully when yer tellin me about maximizing time spent in an airplane bathroom....without a stewardess.


The Grunt said...

I don't drink, but I figure if I put a bar on my blog more people would come by.

Pink said...

I'd like mine to do dishes, iron my clothes and give me a pedicure. oh and if it could just publish my best thoughts without me typing that would be good.

better if it could give me some good thoughts.

Outdoorsy Girl said...

I'd love to add a cool blog roll thingy to the side for all my blog buddies and add cool links. It would also be awesome to attach my Flicker photos for everyone to see. Oh yeah and I'd like have kick ass music playing in the background.

What?! Oh that's right...Blogger can already do those things. I guess I don't have enough patience to figure it all out or I'm just too lazy to make my blog cool.

tfg said...

I think it would cool to tell dick jokes on my blog.

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Me wish me blog had a vagina widget with a built-in hit counter.

Scary Monster said...

Cap'n Grunt~ Me would have to admit the bar would help with some of the things me reads there.

Pink~ Sounds like you want a house boy, not a widget.

O-Girl~ Titles and words work well enough for me. Besides, who has all that time to waste on silly things for their sidebar?

tfg~ Me thought you already did that?

Mr.Dyckerson Me thought you already had that?

Next in line~ Me thought you already were that?

Serena said...

I'd like for Blogger to write the posts for me. Since that probably won't happen, you could just give me one of those house boys that Pinks is getting.:)

Helene said...

"Me no drink milk straight from carton." Sometimes when no one is looking I do.

Corn Dog said...

I have a blogger and I have a wordpress. One day I'm going to press the blog. Ok, maybe I'll open up a laundry on the blog and fold clothes.

puerileuwaite said...

3-Words: Scratch and Sniff.

Libby said...

ya know what? i'm just lazy, and i pretty much dont try to do anything fancy with widgets & all...i guess i'll have to settle for posting cool pictures...that & my words will have to do... haha...

Camille Alexa said...

I like the ease and the price of Blogger. I really have no complaints, other than the 'brainy' kids tend to hang out over on LJ, making me feel rather marginalized and jealous.