Wednesday, June 13

The Bottle and the Damage Done

Have you ever gone through a period where you know the days, weeks and months are passing, but it seems like you are standing still and the world around you be nothing but a blur.

Me feels like an extra in a bad 80's music video.
You know, something that Duran Duran or a Flock of Seagulls might have made.

I have to go and apologise to the ignorant asshole who I "straightened out" last weekend.
I have been doing me best to keep me boss out of an embarrassing situation because of my adolecent behavior. I am sorry that me actions have caused me best friend to have to cover me butt and give him more work than he already has.

Me be workin too hard for too long and for the next couple of weeks Me gonna keep me drinkin' activities close to home.

Me would do it again in a heart beat.


Unknown said...

Sounds like one of "THOSE" periods for you my friend. Stay strong. These times are designed for us to enjoy the more normal times in our lives and to recognize them when we see them. If everyday was sunshine and lollipops we would seek out darkness and bitterness just for the change of pace.

You are a good person and even good people have bad times. Chin up camper. STOMP that frown into a smile.

Corn Dog said...

I know Lee Lee always says "Hugs" but I'm stealing her thunder today. Here is a cyber hug for you - {hug}. I know what you mean about the standing still thing. That part about damn near made me cry. I feel the same way. Everyone else is running around and I'm frozen. Things ain't been right since my brain tumor removal. I wish I had punched the crap outta someone and sat in a Koban all weekend. I think I would feel a lot better. And why do you have to apologize? You are still calling him an ignorant asshole. Screw him. Let him feel fortunate you didn't clock him in the temple with a beer bottle and permanently put his lights out. The damage is done and you are sorry to your boss I know but the asshole? May he orbit Mars with Nasa's next unsuccessful launch.

Libby said...

monster-dont feel guilty! thats the curse that all moms give us, and i work to NEVER pass it on, and when i see it, i have to BoUnCe it out!! just go scare someone!!

The Grunt said...

Hang in there Scary. There's still much stomping to be done.

Pink said... gotta stomp on the no button at work.

I say this and I'm still here long after everyone goes home. But I have an end in sight to this because I'm doing double time with 2 roles so that I can transition into the department I want to be in...come September.

Now if the hours don't cut down then? I'm outta here. Life is too damn short. My bro in law died at 47 of a sudden drop deader.

You think in his last few minutes he thought - I wish I'd spent more time at work? I think he was probably thinking of his wife and 3 children and how he wished he had a few more minutes with THEM.

Hug your vixen, turn on some good music and relax.

So what if your friend works harder. You will return the favour.

Try yoga. Even monsters can be gentle.

Serena said...

I feel frozen in time sometimes, too. Sometimes, that's not such a bad place to be. I know it sucks to have to apologize to a butthead. Soon, things will be on the upswing for you, though. Just keep on STOMPING and remember that your little monster heart is filled with much goodness and light.

Scary Monster said...

Kanrei~ Yeah, Me understands about how things are gonna get better. It just be that me been on the dark side of the moon fer so long that me feels like me brain be made out of green cheese.

Corn Dog. The apology is kind of a japanese thing; then again it isn't. The guy is a piece of shit, but me actions not only were bad, but also representative of the company me works for, so me

libby~ sounds like solid advice...BOO!

Grunt~ The worst part about it is that me wife won't let me post about it in detail. Man she's raisin hell. How come things get so cold at home when the woman becomes a devil.

Pinks^ It's really not the work. Me gets to do so many interesting and creative things there. Me actually loves me job-just wish me earned more money.

SJ~ That be a good way of seein it Serena. The world be always in a blur, but me ain't noticed it before.

NAMASTE, stomp. Ommmmmmmmmmmm...

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Me dying to know what the hell you did. Are you going to tell us, or do I have to read about it in the newspaper??

Mayden' s Voyage said...

Monster- you are such a mix of things to me... I love that I still haven't settled on who or what you are, except that I know you said "Me be Me"!

What I wouldn't give to be able to say that about myself on most days!

I have a brother who is a Monster- in San Diego, and I have less patience with him...yet- I come here and read your posts- never with a questioning raised eyebrow...You be You- and that is fine with me. I should convey as much to my baby brother. I see how I have failed to do that with him.

Take a deep breath. Not sure another drink will help things, but to be honest- if I was close to a bottle, I'd have one too- but I'm at the mother-in-laws, and that kind of thing is strictly forbidden, so I'll be good- for now anyway.

I need to send you an email. I'd like to ask your advice about something I'm thinking of doing in a few years. I'll try to send you a note tonight...especially if my internet doesn't fade out on me.

Be well friend. In 6 months this will likely be wayyy behind you- another lesson learned and tucked under your belt...and for me- there seems to be no end to the lessons these days!

Corn Dog said...

Monster, do what you gotta do even if you have to apologize. I have no idea about the culture in Japan. I'll be the first to admit I have no finesse or culture. I will personally will bad luck on your nemesis from my secret realm in Oat Town. That should break the A-Hole. Sorry about the trouble with the Vixen at home.

Karyn said...

No clue what you're going through exactly... but I know the feeling of standing still or moving as though you are weighted with sandbags in slow motion while the world whirls by.

A crap ass sensation it is, too.

And not a member of Duran Duran in sight, either, dammit.

Hang tight; keep your stomp.

tfg said...

Did you have to put the smack down on a brother?

Little Lamb said...

You must learn from your mistakes. If not, you're doomed to do it again and again and again.

puerileuwaite said...

Let me consult "Life's Rulebook" ...


... ...

... ... ...

Okay. Found it:

"No good deed goes unpunished."

Camille Alexa said...

Your defiant yellow tagline had me laughing aloud, Monster.

ThatGreenyFlower said...

"I've seen the needle and the damage done
A little part of it in everyone."

That means that probably each of us can identify with the needle (or bottle) and the damage to a certain extent, right? I can.

Mayden' s Voyage said...

Hey- guess who called me today and asked for money?

My brother!!!
The timing is a little creepy I think!

I'm sure he doesn't read this blog...or does he???


Corn Dog said...

Hey Scary? Where you be? Stomp Stomp Stomp. I'm stomping all over the place as fast as I can...with scissors even.

Cabo, go find Scary. I'm putting a note on him and sending him into the east, or is it west from here?

doctor chip said...

that's why I avoid the drink these days.

I sympathize.

