Monday, February 26

Comments and Posts

Sometimes Me believes that the comments section of me blog be a completly different entity than the post section.
Posts are static. They be focused and hopefully thought provoking.
Comments are alive and everchanging.
Me occasionally reads them with great puzzlement for they often have very little to do with the post that generated them.
Bloggers manage their commentary in a variety of ways: Some do not reply due to the sheer impossibility of answering such large numbers. Others seem to hover around their posts waiting for a comment so that they may personally greet and welcome each reader. Others develop a comraderie among the visitors, a bandleader bringing all the different instruments into harmony. There are also those you reply to all in one single concise reply.

Which one are you? Maybe Me missed something and you do something completely different. Let Me know.


puerileuwaite said...

I see myself as more of a lion tamer with a chair that constantly needs regluing.

leelee said...

I lIke to acknowledge each of my commentors personally. I figure if they can take the time to comment on my post..I can certainly reply. I'm always thrilled to get comments.

NYD said...

Slanderer! Freak!! Ignoramus!!!
Here's to the expressivness of the comment section. I dare you to delete me. LMAO.
Seriously, stop telling people that I'm a shit. I know your having fun but they just might believe you.


Serena said...

Just for space-saving purposes, I tend to reply to more than one commenter in one comment. Is that rude? I do usually acknowledge each comment, though. It really bugs me when other people have a whole slew of comments and never acknowledge any of them. It makes them seem indifferent, IMO.

Do we have Monster Wars coming on, NY Dude in one corner and Scary Pickle, er Monster, in the other? LOL.

Unknown said...

I am bad at responding. It is not that I don't care or indifferent, it is just that I am bad at responding. I don't know why and hate when I don't get a response. I work on being better at it, but weekends tend to leave me slacking.

I don't lurk so much as I get an email when people leave comments so it will appear I lurk.

Serena said...

Oh, yeah, I get those e-mails about new comments, too, and it only takes a minute to read it and run over to the blog and reply to it. I don't have time to hover over my blog. And the very idea of hovering sounds icky, anyway.

NYD said...

I don't like to use the e-mail notification thing. It tends to clutter up a box that is already way too overburdened with spam.

Unknown said...

I wish my comments would clutter my inbox. That would be neat =D

Camille Alexa said...

Scary m,

I'm with you on the dynamic nature of the comments. As far as I'm concerned, the post is just a way to instigate dialogue with your readers/friends...the comments section is where it's really at. December Quinn just had a post addressing this very thing. It's called, "Calling Card".

Read the discussion in comments. It's illuminating.

Scary Monster said...
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Scary Monster said...

D~ Me is sorry! from now me will only sing songs in praise of you.
Me also agrees with the mail thing Me likes to check in and see whats happening without the extra step of looking in me mailbox.
BTW Me won't tell anyone that you are a pederast, Me promises. LMAO

Kanrei~ Me thinks that someone who is as insightful as you would get plenty of commentary.

SJ~ Congrats on the new site!
Hovering, as me likes to call it, is a little icky. Me has on occasion done it when me postd something me feels extraordinarily proud of though.

lbb~ Thanks for the mention on your site *HUGS* Me loves it when others get involved in the discussion and sometimes likes it when things get heated. Passion brings out the real Monster in me, but there are times when there be too much drift and the commentaries have nothing to do with the post.
Me has seen that a number of time at other places and it's quite dissapointing.

When that happens Me feels like the little Pug puppy at the top of the page.
leelee seems to be fullof grace as always. Her personal attention to her readers is admirable. As is all of you guys. Except the reprobate from NY Tee Hee.