Saturday, November 25

Methinks therefore Me is

Dreams me like.
No problems there. If they are scary then all gone when Me wake up.
After wake up me go for a dump, take all bad things away.
Sometimes I want to take a mental dump, get rid of all ugly thoughts.
Turn shit into fertilizer, grow pretty flowers.
Me can make nice things out of me thoughts.
Think funny stuff, and giggle comes.
Think happy stuff, and smile comes.
Think sexy stuff, and Me comes.

Me enter trance state now


Unknown said...

This I see as the first real SM post. It has a deep side to it, a self-reflective side to it, a silly side to it, and a dirty side to it. It was a good idea to go back. I missed your first month of posting or so.

Pink said...

I'm with Kenrei

and you can dumps all ye wants

youthinks happy now cuz me likes to hear giggles

me leavin' the sexy thoughts for vixen ;)