Thursday, November 29

One more step and a skip and a jump

Me keeps time by the sun, the moon the stars and me stomach.
Me don't like watches and often refer to alarm clocks as a devil wearing leiderhosen.

There be no reason to work harder than ya need to. Throwin yer body out of balance to make life more than comfortable just don't make sense.

Me be hoping that one day me can get along without worrying about having to make sure all the T's are crossed and the I's dotted before me gets to sleep.

Me really enjoys daydreaming. How 'bout you? Do ya ever let reality slip away and enjoy a trip ino lala land when yer supposed to be makin the bosses happy?

One time me done gone on an all expense paid trip fer two into the Amazon jungle where Me single handedly freed an enslaved village and sauntered away with a ruby encrusted icon.

Fiction can be stranger than life.

Me no here and now.


Ed & Jeanne said...

You mean there's such a thing as reality? I've actually been to that jungle in the Amazon. I didn't free the village though; I got distracted taking pictures and hiking and such. The icon would have been a nice addition in my family room though.

ADW said...

I loath alarm clocks, or as I like to call them: pitchforks from hell.

ADW said...

I loath alarm clocks, or as I like to call them: pitchforks from hell.

Serena said...

I don't so much daydream as spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to get to where I want to be. Whatever I'm doing, though, I rarely work harder than I need to. Life's too short.:)

Scary Monster said...

VE~ The icon looks pretty cool in the fridge. You can get one just like it on eBay.

ADW~ You must really hate them things.

A gal so nice, she likes to say things twice.

SJ~ What you consider a easy time of things would overload and shortout most folks circutry.

All Hail the Queen of Blogdom!