Sunday, November 18


Although me brain and the weather be blurry, there is a certain satisfaction in settin in a soft Sunday mornin fog.This be a bit of a surprise fer the Monster this morning. Me don't be having a hangover after the irresponsible amount of booze thet were imbibed last night.

How Me be passing me time gots to be one o' the main tickles bouncin around inna me noggin these days.
Me not be worried iffin the folks thet me bump into agrees with the way Me scratches me itch. Gettin it scratched be what feels good.
Damn iffin me ain't in the mood fer a chuckle or two, make that a belly laugh. Tonight would be the perfect time to bring some friends over for a pow wow. It be good to get together with others and share stories.
We all be walkin with the same inevitable destination and we slough off little pieces of ourselves along the way like leaves that cover the sidewalks. There comes a time to gather one's stories and let them light up the night in a bonfire celebration.

Me no got no marshmallows.


? said...

... we slough off little pieces of ourselves along the way ...

ACK! Do that on the toilet, you dirty boy!

Crushed said...

Well, I'm glad your day has been a good one.

Been raining here.

Scary Monster said...

BB~ lettin yerself be swayed by yer stereotypical character again, huh?

INGSOC~ Rain would have given me some kind of weather. All this grey is gloomy.


Anonymous said...

Pow Wow??? It is probably since 30 years I didnèt hear that word! Was very popular while I was in college... and then, we lost each other... I presume that I got old...;-))

Serena said...

Hope you had your pow-wow, Scary One. It was a perfect day for it. I LOVE that monkey.:)

The Grunt said...

I had Thanksgiving today with my family because my next treatment is the day before the real Thanksgiving.


Anyway, it was a good time.

Stacia said...

Mmm, lovely lazy days...can't remember the last time I had one. Why did I have children, again?