Saturday, October 13

There be a point to this, right?

A computer and a blog can be one helluva great baby sitter.
Between writin down me own ramblings and reading yers, Me gets to spend lots of time here. Safe and sound and out of the public eye, Me enjoy being able to flit around anonymously and toss out whatever oddment had been rolling around in me head.

Today me is glad the work week be done with.

Nowadays, Me spends more time lookin backwards into time instead of forwards. Gettin through a week is a higher priority than jumping into it.
Me only problem be that me ain't made any plans fer me day off and Me fears that me just might spend the entire day in front of the machine. There must be hundreds of activities that me could do and many of them cost very little money. Money is an issue for even though me not be either thrifty nor stingy, me just don't have the wampum to waste.

So what are yer plans for the morrow?
Who will you be spending time with and where will you be going?

Paint a pretty picture fer me sos me can live through it vicariously.

Me no goin nowhere.

1 comment:

doctor chip said...

writing to my web site definately helps keep me out of trouble.

well, most of the time, anyway.

