Friday, September 21

A Tale of Two Titties.

OK. Now that Me got yer attention and the Google search engine will supply me with an abundance of literary preverts to bolster the dwindling weekend hits that me receives on me blog; you can rest assured that today's title, like those on many of me posts, has very little to do with the buxom beauty who graces this page.

Yes, this post might conceivably be about sex or to be more exact about the sexual nature of the human animal or more specifically the bizarre nature of the Scary Monster.

The large breasted women is not what me finds appealing. Sure me likes to watch thems walkin down the boulevard, but me don't want to approach them nor do me want to get up close and personal. When it comes to breasts, anything more than a handful just might sprain a tongue. Now Me has wrestled with various shapes and sizes and found them all enjoyable, but it be the women of what me refers to as the perky, sporty type that catch me attention.

Now don't get yer brassiere straps in a bunch here. Me just describing me personal peccadilloes. Me might be sexist, and Me would like to think we all are, but that don't mean that Me judges a woman on her cup size. Me believes that there be a reasonable explanation as to why me be liking the slightly curved, heaven bound, handful of tantalizing female endowments with Hershey kiss accouterments that protrude with fantastic contrast in wet T-shirt contests.

The women in me family all be well endowed, in fact so are the men, and it be quite possible that the shock of the approaching milk factory that me mama provided could have left me scarred and in fear of something larger than me head. Woody Allen might have gone through the same circumstances while he were a child for he describes his fears perfectly here:

Me not really scared of me mama's breastable's anymore, but me feels a greater comfort in something that me can dominate and control without fear of suffocation or retribution.

Me no climbing Mt. Everest.


Nessa said...

I, myself, prefer big, poofy, feather pilloow sized boozooms.

Unknown said...

I like breasts. Any size, (almost) any shape. I have never seen a pair that I felt needed to be sent away.

Stacia said...

I'm just trying to picture someone dominating a breast. :-)

I'm a small girl, me. I always wanted bigger. I wish I could say that after reading this I felt differently, but while it gave me a boost (mentally) I still want bigger. Especially after having two children.

And that's too much information, now. :-)

Robyn said...

December, I've been bigger-than-normal since the 5th grade. I wanted then, and now, to be smaller. It's hell in the summer to find a swimsuit you can actually swim in.

Scary Monster said...

Me be startled that no one has offered to show me their bubbly bits nor have they sent any pictures to me mailbox.


Pink said...

I'd show you my bubbly bits.

But nowadays that would be my butt.

You want photos of THAT?!?!?!

Thanks Stompy, I used to have ginormous bozooms but I had em deflated under surgical care. Now I am a happier camper.

I always had this idea that men were a bit intimidated by large breasts. You confirmed that there are men who don't wanna come near em.


PS - i'll click on yer blog a few times in a row to increase your clicks and make you feel loved.

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Me wants to show that Asian chick me eggroll.

Serena said...

Hmmm. Just ... hmmm.:-)

ThatGreenyFlower said...

Mine have morphed with weight change, time, pregnancy, and lactation. So my husband has had the pleasure of being married to the same brain but multiple different sets of tits over the years. Lucky Barsted.

Camille Alexa said...

Scary Allen sounds a little feeble, but Woody Monster kinda goes with that vid clip. Or is that Monster Woody?