Mr. Invisible
There be nuthin and Me means nuthin like being invisible. You can walk down any street, enter any cafe, sit in a movie theatre and be in a room with another person and they just don't see you.
Many folks have this fantasy. The ability to walk around and listen to other people's conversations. To casually enter places where ya not supposed to be. Ya can be the incubus/succubus; a scoundrel who steals the heart and satisfies the fantastical needs of an unsuspecting lover.
Yes! You too, can be unseen.
Imagine being able to go wherever you want and nobody notices you. Consider what it would be like to walk through life making changes to the world around you and no one knows why or how their lives be affected by the things you do.
You have to walk carefully, ya know. You still have a body and a spirit, but folks just won't see you for what you are.
There be so many options available to you. think about the surprises you could pop on unsuspecting folks. The jokes you could play. You could rearrange furniture while people are away and watch their reaction when they return.
Me thinks it be pretty cool to be invisible. There are few other super powers me would choose for me self.
What be yer super power fantasy? What if it really came true? would ya want to go back?
Me no feelin coporeal.
I was watching "Mystery Men" yesterday and one of the characters has this power...sort of. He cannot turn invisible if anyone is watching, but, if no one is looking, he can. He was really just ignored and thought he was invisible until the end.
My power- control over my atoms. I think that would allow you to change powers if you want. Need to fly? Grow wings. Need to be invisible? Turn your atoms clear. Want to be something else? Change. Oh the possibilities...
I just want to fly. No wings, just flight.
If I could have super powers, I'd like the ability to fly invisibly. That should take care of just about all possible scenarios where super powers would be desirable.:)
I want to float or fly but I don't want it bad enough to die for. I'd like to point my finger at people and fry their ass.
I'm 5'2", the youngest child in a large family, and several other things that probably make me fantasize about being Supergirl. Call it my active compensatory factor.
I'd love to be able to juggle tanks.
You don't think this post is actually about superpowers, do you?
I would like the ability to see invisible people.
No. That is why it reminded me of "Mystery Men." The kid who could turn invisible really couldn't, he was just so ignored by everyone in his life that he figured he must have been. Otherwise they would acknowledge his existence. I assume you are feeling like people think you are not there when you are.
You are in a funk my friend. Keep things in perspective. Most funks come from being out of balance.
Kanrei~ What would we call you Morphman? Mr. Malleable?
TGF~ They got drugs fer that.
SJ~ Sounds a little bit like wonder Woman to me. Who ya gonna tie up with yer golden lariat.
Corn Dog~ Mebbe ya just lookin to be Harry Callahan
Robyn~ C'mon tell the truth. Ya just wanna hang with Superman, right?
Mr.Dyckerson~ Ya can. You just gotta look around. Theyre everywhere.
Like Kanrei, I thought you were talking about being ignored.
I would like the ability to sexually excite females.
I would hate to be invisible because I'd be scared of what I would see. There is a lot of human nature that I am glad I don't witness.
Have you ever read a book called Fade? by Robert Cormier. It's in young adult fiction but I always loved the idea of being invisible until I read about the boy who goes a bit crazy with it and sees things he wishes he didnt'.
anyway..if I could have one super power it would be to travel across the world without having to get on an airplane! I frikkin hate those things!!
Invisibility seems to have a high voyeur quotient [not an indictment, just an observation].
It's my theory everybody has superpowers; they just aren't that interesting. For example: my man's superpower is he's a really really good guesser. Like 1082-beans-in-a-jar good.
If I could have any superpower it would be to heal myself of disease. Not old age, just disease. And maybe injury. I'm a klutzy gal.
I used to have super powers then lost them. I want those ones back, but I want new ones as well. It is no use being smartest man on the planet if you cannot punch things and they explode...
Kanrei me friend. Me knew ya got it. Ya always do, but me not in a funk so much as wonderin why folks don't notice the world around them. There be lots of invisibles around.
Nessa~ Me be a difficult thing to ignore, a force of nature that compels you to pay attention or face the consequences yet there be things in all of our waking days that go unnoticed; whether by conscious choice or careless obsevation.
Pug~ you've allready got that. Pink be always panting fer yer attention.
BBH~ Mebbe that's why we choose not to see things, the knowing would drive us mad.
Camille~ In many ways Me do agree with you, little bird. Then again Me thinks that folks want super powers to compensate for what they think be weakness in their character.
David~ Me be pretty certain that yer super powers are still workin just fine. Usin yer brains were always more important than brawn to a true super hero weild yer pen well and let the words do their magic.
STOMP. used the word 'fantastical'. That's MY word! ;)
I'd at least like to be like that one mutant in x-files and change the TV by blinking. I thought I'd start small with the super powers thing at first...
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