Saturday, September 29

Long Ride Home

It Not be all that often that me go and wax nostalgic thinking about me past and wonderin iffin Me had the chance to go back and do it all over again, would me do it differently?
Nah, Me wouldn't, but Me would like to get together with two buddies that me used to hang with.
One guy, Willy, were the type of guy who, after a bottle of Old English 800 would get profound and say somethin like, "Hey guys, did you ever notice that evil spelled backwards is live?" Now after we plunged the depths of Will's philosophy which as you may have surmised, didn't take very long.
Me other friend, Ray, would come up with ideas that would definitely get us into trouble iffin we weren't careful. Ray knew how to get us into movie theatres through the back door. He knew how to sweet talk a liquor store owner into selling an underage kid a bottle of whiskey. He knew what to say to the local gangs to keep us from gettin our asses kicked fer walkin on the wrong side of the street. Yeah, this guy had the gift of gab and he always had somethin up he sleeve. He had to cuz it were the only thing that got him outta all the trouble he were constantly gettin into.

When me were a a lot younger than me be today, Me used to read a magazine called 'Heavy Metal'. Don't know iffin they still be publishing it and probably wouldn't read it iffin they were.
That magazine introduced me to a muthaload of excellent artists and story tellers that left a huge impression on me. There were one charactercreated by the fabulous Barry Wrightson called Captain Lincoln F. Sternn, who always reminded me of Ray and another called Hanover Fiste who were definitely Willy.
Me were thinking about these guys today while tryin to keep me ass outta hot water at work and Me is thankful for the little bits of Ray that rubbed off on me and helped me out of a fairly sticky situation.

Here be a taste of Captain Ray Sternn.

Me no forget me roots.


Unknown said...

I never read the magazine, but I am a huge fan of the movie. I hit puberty while watching it I think....twice.

Pink said...


glad you're outta hot water.

hot water no good less its in a hot tub with bubbles.

and even then, it makes you wrinkle.

? said...

I know what you mean about missing friends you once had. It's funny how they rub off on us, even after years of not seeing or speaking to them.

Mayden' s Voyage said...

That was the strangest cartoon I've ever watched...
HI! :)

Little Lamb said...

Ah, the past. Sometimes I go there and visit and want to see some of those characters I knew when I was growing up. When I get like that, I start to wonder how their lives turned out? What are they up to now? Would we still be friends if we met again today? How different are we now? What changes were made in our lives? I would really love to run into some of these people.

If they had a blog, would we be one each other's blogs? Would we recognize each other if we ran into each other online? Have I run into any of them online? How do I find out?

I do wonder about this from time to time.

Camille Alexa said...

Like Kanrei, I never read the magazine, but Heavy Metal, Wizards, Fritz the Cat, and the Ralph Bakshi Lord of the Rings were all pretty important movies to a bunch of us grubby kids in the 70s and 80s.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, great movie. I never really collected too many of the mags. They shelved them with the "Adult" stuff where I grew up! Stupid bible belt. I quote this all the time and no one EVER knows what the hell I'm talking about.

"Shut up, Charlie... I GOT an AN-gle."

Another favorite is "I think you're comin' in a little HIGH, man."

The Grunt said...

Gotta love "Heavy Metal". My brother introduced me to the movie.

Serena said...

Dang, I left a comment last night and it apparently got eaten by the Blogger Gargoyles. I don't remember now what I said. Bummer. I know it had something to do with, sometimes the past is best left alone.:)