Sunday, September 23

Hard of Hearing.

Here be something truly unbelievable, something so bizarre that even now Me can't believe the veracity of it, yet here it is: Me actually gets paid to speak to people. Sometimes Me be asked to travel a bit and speak to groups of people. Me has even sat in front of a microphone and talked to bunch of blinking lights yet there were many ears to hear me words.
Speaking be one thing and getting people to listen and understand be a completely different matter.

Me enjoys the ephemeral quality of speech. The permanence of the written word can be daunting; scary like old high school pictures of you doing things you don't really want anyone to see now that you've gotten a little wiser.

Me has only one wrist watch that actually works and me almost never wears it unless me be doing some kind of sporting activity. The others are all very impressive time pieces. An brown alligator skin band attached to a square faced mechanism with roman numerals on it. Another that is round and has a thin black leather strap. Then there is one that in made from stainless steel with a bright orange face. It looks more like a bracelet than a watch and it weighs a ton. When me wears it me feels like me be getting a work out. There is also a pocket watch and a solid gold chronometer that were passed down from me father. plenty of accouterments with two things in common: They make me look a whole lot more sophisticated than Me really be, and they tell me the time is Now.

Me likes Sunday mornings 'cuz me don't feel the need to pay attention to time. Me goes through all the bloggers in me side bar and catches up with what you folks be writing about. Me also contemplates the world around me.
We spend our days rushing from place to place and living in a world of 24hr supermarkets, round the clock news and time saving devices. The Internet keeps us all connected at every moment, yet time has become a dwindling commodity. Where does it go? How do you know if yer wastin it or not? It's not like ya can go back and get a 'do-over', is it?

Where do you find the time?

Me no on the clock.


Pink said...

We be sharing a brain. Its can use it most times.

I had a dream last week that I wanted to give my dad a gift. Some blogger posted a comment saying all he wanted was time.

Time has been on my mind the past few days. I was also going to post about this - how I find I do things that I do because its what is available, rather than what I want. What is it, then I really want? How do I want to spend my time? Important questions that make a difference between a half lived and a fully lived life.

time for another sunday morning coffee and a listen to my favorite oldies music while I clean my kitchen

Nessa said...

I can't wear watches. I kill the batteries. But I have an innate sense of what time it is. I am always right within 15 minutes.

I prefer when time passes without my knowledge. That means I'm doing something so intently, I'm engrossed. It's usually something I really love.

Romulus Crowe said...

I don't wear a watch. Can't seem to keep them working for long. I have a pocket watch but I don't really need that - almost everything I own has a clock stuck to it. Including my phone. Even some of my cameras, and one of my thermometers!

The phone one is roughly right, as are the camera ones, but most of the time I let them drift because I don't really care what time it is any more. I no longer have fixed hours - I'm at work whenever I'm awake.

Whenever someone obsesses over time, I think of the old black-and-white Tarzan film where the explorers showed Tarzan a movie of their Great Civilisation. It included a steam engine, which they proudly boasted travelled at a hundred miles an hour. The conversation then went something like this-

Tarzan: Why?
Explorer: Well, to get where you're going quicker.
Tarzan: Why?
Explorer: Well... to save time.
Tarzan: Oh. What do with time saved?

At which point the explorer had no answer.

To this day, I haven't found an answer to that question. It's best not to worry about it, I think.

Anonymous said...

Reading this had a deja vu effect, because my wrists are naked and I have the same collection of watches that no longer run. They sit on a dresser and gather dust on their faces, waiting to be wound, or for battery replacement. There is no time to waste. Now is all I have, and I make some effort to remain here, now. In fact, that is the only real effort. A bell rings and I do the next thing. Pretty simple, but difficult.

Serena said...

I wear a watch. Otherwise, I'd never be anywhere when I'm supposed to be. I pick pretty ones, though, so they're more like jewelry than utilitarian. Like Nessa, I kill batteries in record time so I go through a lot of watches.

Anonymous said...

Time... yes.. one of my worse enemy... I hate that notion of time... I hate having to get myself ready for a certain time, no matter what I have in front of me at that moment... Time to go, time to come, time to leave and come back... time to eat, time to sleep... Where all that came from? Can't we just be on our own inner time?
I know I know.. it is helping to set things together and have an overview of where we are going... but I think our society is overdoing it... and we end up with no time left...

Camille Alexa said...

Your vintage watches sound hot.