Thursday, November 29

Me be Monster.

Almost all the leaves have left the branches of the trees and left them looking forlorn and stark.
When me be walking along the road me foot falls make an odd rustling sound on the carpet.

It be good that me stompin takes on a subdued feelin from time to time. It let's me sneak up on unsuspecting peoples and gives me some time to observe their goings on.

Kids at play never cease to amaze one Scary Monster. They be able to make even the most trivial object into an amusement of one sort or another. Me happened upon a gathering of boys thet were battling the hardened ground with the most unusual implements. One kid had a ski, another had a tree branch and the third had a cracked, blue plastic pail. They must've gotten them at the nearby housing garbage dump.

Me can remember the days when Me were just a tadpole and there were adventures of every kind located just behind me home or on the walk home from school. Looking back, as old bastids are wont to do, Me can recall the frivolity and restlessness of me time as a mini-monster.

When ya come to the midway of a trip and the shores are both far and near and equidistant, there be a tremulous disturbance in the spirit. Ya can look back and recall all the things that brought you this far or ya can face the wind and ride on into where the waves take you. When ya come to the end of a trip ya can look back or ya can take off yer shoes. Iffin ya just be startin out on a journey then there be nuthin but the open road ahead of ya.

There me be starin at some kids diggina hole and thinkin about the times when me done did the same damn thang and me goes up to asks them where they goin. Where the heck do ya think ya gonna end up? The kid holdin the broken plastic bucket looks up at an old man who got no business disturbin the rhythm of fun and sez... America!

Me no never did get to China.


The Grunt said...

I did that when I was a kid in Arizona. This was before I knew much about China. I think I wanted to see what hell looked like. That is what happens when you are brought up in a strict religion.

puerileuwaite said...

Me? I look back and long for Rosebud. No, not the sled. I meant the other one, underneath the plaid skirt.

Simply Curious said...

We've all tried to dig holes to China. I've never gotten past the part of the dirt that you find worms in. I'd shriek and say forget it.

Anonymous said...

can't really
relate to this...

having grown up on a houseboat on a lake...

but hey -- now that i'm older, you're much less scary!


Karyn said...

I miss the simple stuff of childhood.

Okay, my childhood , such as it was, was not simple, but I read books and saw movies and gee whiz, it looks like it was a good time for other people.

Little Lamb said...

I was good at make believe.

Helene said...

I can remember digging to china for 3 days straight with my friends when I was about 5... after 3 days our parents told us that it just wasnt in the cards! lol at least not that way! heheehe

you are doing a lot of digging arent you...

I hope that you find what you are looking for big guy... the thing is... often what we find is even more disenchanting than the norm... at least from my experience... I think you and I are more similar than just a close birthday!

Peace out! kate

Ed & Jeanne said...

I tried to dig holes to China when I was a kid too. I'm glad I never made it...imagine the lead contamination I would have been exposed to! STOMP

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Me suspect those kids were just burying a body. STIFF!

Scary Monster said...

Grunt~ Being raised in Arizona would kinda give you a preview of what hell must be like, right?

PUG~ Tape mirrors to yer shoes and go to the mall.

Curious~ Me were the kid who'd toss the worms at goils like that.

/t.~ Welcome!! Trying to dig through the water would have given you a cler conception of futility.

Karyn~ Me likes to believe that good bad or indifferent, it all balances out in the end. So live the simple times now.

Lambkins~ You still are, wooly one.

Kate~ Digging be what it be all about. Even iffin we are dissapointed with the results, it be the journey that's important.

VE~ Either that or you would have been taken captive by Dr. Fu Manchu.

Mr. Dyckerson.~ Quite possible. Here in Lilliput the holes don't have to be all that big.