Sunday, November 25

Come and Go.

Everytime Me be returning home from a trip or journey or what have you, there be a strange mixture of anticipation to end the adventure and get back to familliar surroundings as well as a distinct feeling to allow things to continue and let the fates play their hand.

Given the choice, would ya rather stay lost in a world of fantasy or would ya rather choose the more mundane path of enlightenment. There be so many stupidities that Me just ain't out grown. As Me done gotten older, Me beginning to wonder iffin they be all that stupid.

Me loves to work the earth. Watching the seasons change. Learning when to move and when to sleep. Engaging in the ordeals of Sisyphus allows me to understand that all the doings will never be completed. Them Greeks were wise beyond the lifespan of their culture.

Me loves to get lost in passions. To be devoured mentally and physically and be reborn in spirit.
Spending all me resources to the point of complete exhaustion in loving embrace be a fine way to learn about what drives the human spirit. Orgasms be the closest thing to death ya can experience on a regular basis.

Purity is fer the weak. Of course this be me opinion and yer free to disagree with it. The use of chemicals to periodically free one from the bonds of reality is a useful tool to understand the limits or eternity of the mind.

Words can get in the way of communication. Me can't count the amount of times the things me said were taken in a completely different way than what Me intended. This be particularly true fer those close to me. The paradox were that usually both parties were correct in they interpretation. Still, stories be a great way to pass on whatever knowledge you've gained.

Not having money may not be a sin, but being poor is. Not sharing what you have be even more venal than taking what don't belong to you.

Vulgarity is not humour although it might make ya laugh. Take it from the Monster. Me be one of the most vulgar people me knows. Iffin ya gonna use obscenity to get yer message across than ya better be smarter than yer audience otherwise ya just a parvenu. Lenny Bruce, Sam Kinison and others did a magnificent job of this.

Believe in yerself. If ya can't tell someone to take a flying leap then ya just ain't dancing to yer own tune. Ya gonna have to bump into others and see iffin yer voice holds up against those around ya. Me never met anyone thet me couldn't learn something from iffin they were willing to make me listen to 'em.

Iffin ya think ya got what it takes to be scary than you can place the Scary Monster badge onto yer sidebar. Think of it as another award you've collected fer bein true to yerself.

Me no got no problems with verbosity.


? said...

Not sharing what you have be even more venal than taking what don't belong to you.

Poignant statement. I get so much more when I give. When I was a mentor in a leadership program I participated in a few years back, I remember thinking how unbelievable it was that I was getting more out of being a mentor than my mentoree was getting out of the relationship.

Pink said...

You said it Stompy!!!

Sometimes ya gotta bump into people and them little deaths are as close to God as we get!

puerileuwaite said...

Sisyphus was a pansy. He wouldn't last in prison, that's for sure. Not with that attitude.

Scary Monster said...

BB~ Now ya got me wonderin whatchya were teachin.

Pink~ Keep spreadin the word, girl.

PUG~ The man were Greek. He were born ready fer a stay in the big house.

Ed & Jeanne said...

You're right, words can get in the way of I stopped reading right after that; but the colors looked pretty...

Corn Dog said...

LOL ve!

I miss the dogs when I leave the house, particularly the tiny 15 year old one with the grey hair around her muzzle. I always want to come home.

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Wasn't Sissyfuss gay? STUMPED!

paperback reader said...

I tried being true to myself, but it was a time when I thought I was Michael Knight, and I kept crashing my '87 Geo Metro into things, thinking I just hadn't hit "turbo boost" at the right time.

Still, it was more fun than not being Knight Rider. So, be true to someone else cooler than you, that's what I've learned.

Mayden' s Voyage said...

Being a mom is no fantasy...
and yet- it begins that way.
A tiny life- all yours- and you fill it up with your love, words, stories and values. Then watch them fill you up~
It's both enlightening, and a fairy tale...a wondrous journey on the very real and hard pavement of life.
It keeps me grounded and at the same time gives me room to day dream- and not just about what my kids might do or become, but what I'll get to do when they leave the nest.

"Purity is for the weak"... I'm reading between the lines here- but I think I understand you. It takes more strength to make messes- to screw up, to go after something your heart desires than to quietly stand in the corner and let the glory (and some times gore) of life pass you by.
There is no honey for the fool who stands at the bottom of the tree wishing for the sweet stuff...
the one who gets the prize will also most likely get stung. Such is the price of living...REALLY living.
(I should tattoo that on the inside of my arm!)

I wish I had read this yesterday-
but then again- with all my heart, I believe the right words come to us exactly when they are supposed to-
hugs :)