Tuesday, October 2

A Hallmark Moment.

Me must have been thinking about tomorrow when Me wrote yesterday's post.

Me gotta stand in front of a whole classrom of students who don't want to be where they will be. Me main purpose is not to teach them, but to find them a reason to learn. That is, after all, exactly what a teacher is supposed to do.

That is also what me be tryin to do here, find some common ground for us all to walk on.
Thar be a tremendous amount of things we all have in common, but Me gonna choose what me reckons be the one thing that even the most base, despicable, vile and dishonorable of human beings has felt as deeply and thoroughly as anyone else.

Here be the Monster, askin you do do somethin just a little out of the ordinary.
Me be doin this cause Me believes that you all have the ability to complete this request.

Me wants to hear a short love story.

Share one and spread the idea. It is quite possible that for a very short time and through our connections we can change the mood of blogging and bloggers all around us.
Take a break and tell a love story on yer own blog and invite yer friends to do it. Make it funny, make it soulful, make us laugh or make us cry. Say something obnoxious or get rid of some pain.

Share yerself!

I'll tell ya my story tomorrow.

Me no lost that lovin feelin.


Unknown said...

I can't. I don't do love. Been single far too long (13 years or so). I don't even think in those terms any more. Sorry.

Scary Monster said...

You can. It's there! It might be painful to remember, but you have it inside you. Let it out and share it with others. Whether yer married, co-habitating or have pets or plants, yer always single.

The way in is the same as the way out.


That's a beautiful post. I shall try to do a witty one and you will be my muse today. :)

Unknown said...

I promise I will try my best.

Robyn said...

My blog is retired, but here's a link to my love story: http://snarklingclean.blogspot.com/2006/08/happily-ever-after.html

Nice post, SM.

Serena said...

Love stories. Hmmm. I'd have to think about how to approach that without giving away all my secrets.:)

? said...

I truly love your idea, Scary. But I'm with Kanrei. I don't have it in me right now. Though I do love ice cream a whole lot ...

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Dammit, me swears every one of your posts be askin' us to "share" something. Me is sick and tired of all these fucking homework assignments you be givin' us. Well me done had enough! Me be dropping your blog and taking a study hall instead.


Outdoorsy Girl said...

I'm in the middle of a love story right now. I'm thinking that there is going to be a sad ending, though. :( Might not need to share this one. I'm starting to feel like Kanrei and Bottleblonde.

Princess of the Universe said...

I just wrote a crappy ex boyfriend story- does that count?

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of a boy, skating at night. On the ice, he explodes into movement and possibilty, as free as anything in this world could be. In the night, beneath the lights, his breath pushes out in front of him.

I'm thinking of a woman, carrring her dying cat from room to room in a laundry basket. Oh, such old friends. She feeds to him from an eye dropper, she speaks soothingly to him and pats down his spiked fur, wiping tears from her eyes.

I'm thinking of my aunt, sitting at the beside of her dying husband. After fifty years of difficult marriage, they've found a certain peace in his illness. He's a wreck now, a presence beneath a thin nursing home blanket, but she comes and sits with him each day, speaking to him, " Doug, Doug, do you remember when we lived in Lavalle?" All around him are photographs of the past, when he was young and handsome, so sure of tomorrow. Now, tiny and dessicated, he shouts out, "Monique, je t'aime, je t'aime!"

I'm thinking of a mother visiting her son in hospital, of watching the needle strike the vein, yet again, and out the window, a sunny day.

I'm thinking of a dream carried in the heart. Something unexpected coming to life and generating light, where before, there was nothing.

There are just so many love stories.

Scary Monster said...

Ubermouth~ Just a simple idea to connect the strands of the web we weave.

Kanrei~ That's all we can do. Thanks for the effort.

Robyn~ Will try to check it out after me finished with mine.

SJ~ "The names were changed to protect the innocent."

Bottle Blonde~ As you wish.

Mighty Dyckerson~ Awww, c'mon. We never got the whole story of the perfect ass.

OG~ Most love stories have some kind of sadness in them.

Princess~ Sure does.

Anon~ On yer blog, not mine...


Nessa said...

I'll try to post one before the end of the day. I'm not sure I'll manage the deadline.

Crushed said...

Great love stories.

To me, a great love story is where someone dies for a cause.

Those are the ones which move me most.

Anonymous said...

I stuck up my ideal of a love story on my blog. It's a picture, really.

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