Thursday, September 6

Yer Blog be Dumb!

Yesterday Me got an e-mail from a friend and a comment from a really sweet reader who told me that they not do understand the stuff I be writing about in me posts.
Actually, Camille stated that: "I understand your posts less and less, Monster. I read every single one, but I'm totally lost around here these days. I've been afraid to admit it, but there it is."
What friend said was, "what kind of stupid crap are you writing about? People want to read fun stuff, your shit isn't fun it's weird and incoherent." He also told me that he didn't want to post any negative comments on my page so that nobody else would know what he thought.

Me guess he figured that me be having many folks visitin and expectin that me would be posting something that would either entertain or enlighten. He guessed right, but Me wouldn't have minded the public rebuke. Making it private made it seem... Me don't know, shameful.
Me don't really know what to think of this.

Me gots to be thankful fer the honesty and concern that these two people displayed. The emperor be walkin nekkid and someone gotta tell him that he dingle be wavin in the wind.
The people who come here and share their time with me be important to me. Giving someone yer time and consideration be a precious thang, so me feels compelled to say to you:

People, Feel free to express any kinda crazy shit you want. In fact Me cordially invites you to go ahead and knock me around a bit. There is one thing though, if you do happen to like anything be sure to mention that too.
Me needs criticism as well as praise.

Me no nuthin but a Monster.


Scary Monster said...

Be Stompy!
It keeps us balanced on the razor's edge

Unknown said...

Personally, I like it. Sometimes it goes beyond me, but I usually am right there with ya. I think you need to write what comes naturally. Birdie herself taught me to just write and let people assign their own value to it, but never to let that dimisish my value of it. You and VE help me feel normal and I thank you both for that. I see the same world you do so go with it my friend.

The Grunt said...

I finally come out of seclusion and find this. I think you are weird too. Don't change a thing.

Anonymous said...

oh, cruel poetic justice, given thy previous post!

Robyn said...

I personally love the fact that you don't have to be dumb to be funny. I also like that you can be smart and introspective, but still appreciate a good fart.

...someone gotta tell him that he dingle be wavin in the wind.

I work retail. Thank you for the much needed laugh.

ThatGreenyFlower said...

You know, Scary, I have understood (or thought I have, which is just as good) your blog consistently since the day I started reading. I'm not sure why or why not. Sometimes you're deep, sometimes you're silly, and you're always interesting.

Besides, it's your blog. Write whatever you wish...isn't that why we all do this?

Ed & Jeanne said...

You put the most in each post
It has good timing...could you just add rhyming?

Seriously, everyone is going to get into things that people just don't get or completely miss the point of your post. Some things I thought were really funny have almost no comments (it helps if you have readers though). Other times you just lose it and lose or scare people. I think I did that once with this sugar cereal post.

I loved that montage of 70s songs you did awhile back. I thought the game where you take the password letters and come up with some ridiculous sentence was a fun and original idea. But you also mix in some interactive thought provoking questions back to your readers too. And there was the blinking monster!

The Duchess said...

I think you're fab. Don't change a thing.

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Camille is a bitch and a whore. Don't listen to anything she says.

Scary Monster said...

Kanrei~ Thanks Kan. But me must say that me recent ravings have been off kilter and me cain't seem to get out of second gear.

Grunt~ So good to see ya at the helm again Cap'n. Never fear. This little green beast be way too old to change.

Kermit~ This dance of ours is getting quite booring.
Ya come here and knock me about and that's yer right, but you don't put yourself out there,unless you have another blog that I don't know about.
You post mediocre pictures that have little composition and display a prodigious lack of technical know how.
You post these snapshots under a quote from Ugo Betti which be diametrically opposed to what you are doing.
Yer comments reek of the erudite critic who has never had the guts to place themselves on the firing line.
You cannot be faulted for obvious lack of experience and superior education, it's what holds back lots of people from looking at things the way they are and not as they believe them to be.

Robyn~ intellect never gets in the way of a banana peel waitin on an unsuspecting victim.

TGF~ It's me bloggy and Me stomps if Me want to.
Stomp if Me wants to.
Stomps if me wants to.
You'd stomp too if it happend to you...

VE~ It kinda figgers that you would unnerstand what be goin on here. After all you've done some wacky stuff yerself.

Dutchess~ Will do.

Dyck!!~ Comin from you that be a compliment, but many folks don't unnerstand the ways in which you show yer affection. Please play nice and don't be jealous that she won't show you her Ta Ta's.


Scary Monster said...

Post Stomp: Me reckons that it takes a lot of guts to tell a friend or associate the truth about things, especially when it be fer their sake and not yer own. Little Bird is a fabulous person with a truly warm heart. Me be very thankful fer the wake up call.

Mayden' s Voyage said...

Darlin' Monster...
The thing about you that I love is that there is more to your Monsterness than farting in front of deaf people, making up children's stories about a pink frog, and wandering around alone on New Years Eve in the countryside (Yeah...I remember!)-
I never know what to expect over here- but it's mostly good- and why I come back. (Other than the fact I have your pic hanging in my office still- which I suppose makes me a little weird- LOL)

It takes a big person to express confusion, and an even bigger person/moster to ask for a critique. But blogging is about life...and it's confusing as hell most of the time.
Sometimes our posts reflect this-
it's all good~

Pink said...

I love you just the way you are:

funny, farty, frequently introspective.

I love you just the way you are.

Corn Dog said...

If I wanted to be bored, I'd go elsewhere. I want the Monster - full bore. Bring it on, Scary. I find your blog fascinating plus I love how you reveal your inner self living in Lilliput. I've never felt lost or confused here in your blog. I've felt interwoven in the fabric that you're weaving. I'm grateful for you and your writing ability. I like your commenters too. You attract a wide range - something very few bloggers can do. Monster, I have gotten some really nasty comments on actual other people's blogs about my blog. They hurt but I wonder the motivation behind it. Agenda and egos are weird things.

Nessa said...


OH, and I like the colors.

Feel better?

Unknown said...

To give you an idea, yesterday was the first time I have posted something on my blog that I felt really had my voice. It is just going around. You know I have been complaining about my broken mojo for months now. The tide will return so stay by the shore. If you leave you will miss it.

Anonymous said...

Keep on STOMPing.
Write what's on your mind, or out of your mind, or whatever you feel like. It's always refreshing to me, not knowing what to expect. I'm sure I have alienated some readers. If I read my blog from the beginning, I have changed quite a bit. But that's the point.

Camille Alexa said...

Thanks, Scary. I feel it's pretty obvious I think you're as fabulous as most other people around here do. I'm a little shocked at the hostility from some of your fan base. I truly thought my comment was more about my inabilities than your own.

Sun Follower said...

Blog on...

Anonymous said...

It's quite fine here... what people are complaining about?

leelee said...

What Pinks said...

I love you just the way you are...stay stompy always!!