Wednesday, September 12


A picture be sayin a thousand words, right?
Well here's somethin ya will just have ta believe... Alfred E Neuman had it right.

Me no out of the public eye just yet.

Post Stomp: The Scary one not be in Funky town. Me be hale and hearty, filled to the brim with vim and vigor, all engines firing hot and both STOMPERS placed firmly upon the firmament. Now iffin Me can convince a few others of that Me can get back to doin the things Me were put here to do- Stay Stompy.


Corn Dog said...

Me be Stompy. Stomp. Stomp. Trip. Crack. Break. Oops.

Robyn said...

What, me worry?

Crushed said...

I'll stomp for a bit too.

seems fun.

Camille Alexa said...

Sounds more like Stompy Town. Glad to hear things are swell over there.

Anonymous said...

glad you are still hanging round. I used to read those cartoons when I was about 16 but I didnt' entirely get most of the content...I think the humour is very clever and sharp. I should go back to buying them since I'm quick as a whip these days myself. HA

The Grunt said...

I'm stompy. You're stompy. Wouldn't you like to be stompy too?

Nessa said...

Hail and vigorous...good deal. STOMP STOMP.

Nessa said...

And of course, that should be "hale."

Ed & Jeanne said...

What, me stomp?