Friday, September 7

One of many gauntlets.

Today's post be the result of an ongoing discussion between Kermit and the Monster. Me were gonna do something different, but me had so much fun with this that Me just had to share it with you.

This be Me reply to he commentary on the posts titled: Riddle Me This... and Yer Blog be Dumb

Kermit, Me tenacious, bombastic detractor. Me gonna write this slowly so that you may ruminate upon me words and see iffin we can put this thing to rest. Me has a post that me wants to write and this continued banter is becoming utterly tiresome.

1. That you were under the impression that me post were about reducing the seriousness of a topic from importance to paltriness is because you assigned that idea yourself. Me never stated that there were a dearth of comedy in the writings of any of the people mentioned in the post. Please read the post again.

2. If you are trying to reach the widest possible audience and get yer message across, why not use humour? It be the perfect delivery system. The philosophers and poets often utilise obscure imagery and convoluted arguments to defend their theories and abstractions. The comedian speaks in plain language! There be a lot less people who don’t get ‘the Joke’ than there are who can understand the Rawlsian precepts of justice.

3. You have assumed that Camille Alexa (One should always take pains to get someone’s name right.) will no longer visit me home. Unless you are privy to information that Me ain’t, then that is extremely presumptuous of you. That she be confused were something she stated herself and she weren't the first person to visit here to make that statement.
Once again me gonna beseech you to actually read the post. Me weren’t tryin to be funny. Iffin Me were than it would have been painfully obvious.

4. In yer initial reference to the costume party you used hearsay to make yer point (Me let that slide) in yer second reference to the aforementioned party you make it sound as if you had actually attended. Either way you speak fer others and they just might find that offensive. Yer friends just might have been trying to balance things out by inviting some unnaturally black folks.

5. The focus of my criticism of yer blog were to point out that we are all imperfect and ought to respect the failings of others. Me accepted yer insults with what me believes to be the graciousness that a host or hostess must display, but Me cannot condone a gratuitous display of ignorance wrapped up in something that construes and aspires to be erudition or cleverness.

6. There is nothing unusual about people creating artistic sites utilizing their photography or artwork, Me has done that. You may, as you see fit, continue to comment on blogs. That’s what they are there for. Just don’t be surprised that not everyone will agree with yer perceptions and thoughts, Me don’t.
Finally, and me does mean to close this discussion at this time; for Me has already wasted much time with this inane debate about what you have ‘said’. Me not gonna be able to go into the things ya haven’t ‘said’.
Me truly believes that one needs to walk the walk before ya can talk the talk. Ya just happen to be fortunate that ya picked the Monster fer this. If ya tried this shit with Mr. Dyckerson he would have left you slap happy, bound, gagged, sodomized and giggling in a dank, dark cellar.

Do two things fer me pal. Try to be more considerate in the future and don’t delete yer comments. It would make this post incomprehensible.


Post Stomp: Me chooses to mangle the English language as a part of Me character, you seem to do it out of ignorance. Back to school with you, it's safer there.


Unknown said...

The monster pummels a frog!

SM, I have not seen you this revved up before. You usually have your tongue planted firmly in your cheek. Ignore this guy. Yes, he has given you ideas for posts, but doesn't that make this his blog with him dictating what today's subject will be? You have tons of fans that love your style, get your humor (mostly), and come here daily. Screw the detractors! This guy wants to be Statler and Waldorf and just attack other’s work without placing themselves on the line. Forget about it and go stomp Tokyo. That usually makes you feel better. Eat a subway car or two. Smash a tank. Crush a screaming reporter with your massive foot and move on.

Camille Alexa said...

I hope Kanrei's not counting me a Scary Monster detractor. Scary Monster won me over the day he mentioned in a comment on my blog (I paraphrase, because I couldn't locate the exact post) taking out tall buildings with his massive Monster erection.

And his participation in silly shite like this post, in which he said:

Me believes that ther be at least a gazillion match ups Me would like to see.

Menudo vs The back street boys.

Elmer fudd vs Mr. Rodgers.

Pee wee Herman vs Clint Eastwood.

Tinkerbell vs Sasquatch

The A team vs the bad news bears.
Oh yeah, and a re match between King Kong and Godzilla.

I love Scary's sharp wit and humour, and I adore his willingness to descend into silly banter in the name of exploring deeper insights about himself and the Universe.

I love his quest for understanding, and always, always always, I love his flair and sense of style.

I spent all day yesterday taking care of a sick friend and waiting with her at the hospital, so I didn't get to see the previous couple posts until just now. I read them in order (as I do whenever I miss a few). I'm still trying to catch up.

Scary Monster said...

Kanrei~ Now, now, Kanrei. Me be pretty sure you and most everyone else around here knows how Me feels about frogs.

The only reason Me posted this reply to his comments as a post were twofold. The first were that it be far to long to place in the comments section and secondly it be a pretty good example of STOMPIN. Me had a great time laughin and writin this post.

Camille~ Me often expounds in hyperbole when describing the exploits of Me magic wand.

and now that me looks at that line up again. Me don't really think that me were bein fair to Clint.

Stay Stompy.

Nessa said...

I found this post very amusing. Made me giggle, but in a good way, you understand.

Ed & Jeanne said...

I had frog legs for dinner once.

Unknown said...

Never ever would I speak ill of you and never ever ever would I do it on some other blog. I was speaking of Kermit, thus the frog crack.

Scary Monster said...

Nibbles~ A giggle a day keeps the nonsense at bay.

VE~ Me be sure you will again.

Kanrei~ Me be certain that Bird didn't have you in mind.

Serena said...

Damn, I dropped and broke my little green glass frog tonight. That's what I get for trying to dust stuff. These are strange days, indeed, my friend.:)

Corn Dog said...

Kanrei said "frog crack." I think that's the butt crack on a frog.

Where's Dyck? What's he saying?

Sun Follower said...


Pink said...

I like Kenrei's response...but don't eat subways. They're full of carbs and make for fat monsters.


Little Lamb said...

Kermit the frog has a blog? And you're arguing with a frog?

Anonymous said...

No, Kermit is a woman, who may or may not live in Toronto. She likes to stir it up, and is attempting to do so now in my comments as well... She pushes buttons and then asks for humor.
*le sigh*

Romulus Crowe said...

I took a look at the froggy blog. It consists of one post with some badly-framed pictures of well, nothing in particular.

Looks to me like someone wants to get visited without trying too hard.

The way she's doing it is no better than crasting for pretty polly in my book. This ptitsa might be best ignored until she learns to be a real droogie, methinks.