Thursday, August 30

Will all the nonconformists, please stand up!

There is no substitute for originality.
You might agree or disagree with me on this.
Me be constantly searching for it and Me likes to find it when perusing through the posts of bloggers who be new to me.
Recently Me be noticing a certain trend to substitute imaginative thought with pre-packaged themes that Me feels take away from the novelty of actually voicing something new.

Why would me want to take the few free hours of me day to look at posts that are somewhat similar. Me can understand that there be a hint of uniqueness in them, but after all HNT be nothing but a picture a week and much the same can be said for Mute mondays.

55 Flash fridays and the friday feast can offer something of the writers personality, but me still feels that Me be looking at a form letter that been jazzed up a bit. It makes me think of listening to the Grateful Dead redone in Muzak.

Is there other days that me has missed? Me means, be there other themes that you have heard about? Let me know.
Iffin ya do themed posts that lots of others share in, could you explain the attraction to me?
Me be at a loss.

Then again there be something that me believes would be a pretty good idea: Sycophantic Sundays - The chance to highlight a blogger a week and suck up to them so their fans will come and visit yer blog too.
What do ya think, shall we all give it a go?

Me no wanna be you.


Ed & Jeanne said...

I agree SM. I like originality. Even if I use something or talk about the same subject, I have my own unique slant on it. And God hope nobody copies my drivel; scary. Oh...I like the Sunday idea too!

Scary Monster said...

You have more slant than me wifes eyes.
You are disturbed in the kind of way that makes folks think they be getting the Wonka bar with the Golden Ticket.

So, who will you suck up to this Sunday?

Unknown said...

I tend to post whatever is on my mind. Sometimes it is totally original and other times I am piggy-backing on someone else's. I cannot tell you how many times you have got my gears spinning and I posted because of that. VE as well. Other times I get tagged and I feel I must answer them. Tags I see as creating community. People who have tagged me have usually become regular stops for me.

I think a blog can go between both as long as there is variety.

Unknown said...

PS- If I stand up with all the other nonconfomists, wouldn't that make me a conformist? I always have mocked the conformity of nonconformity. Punks must wear mohawks and combat boots to show their originality. A metalhead must wear black tee shirts and have long hair. A hippie must only listen to the Dead and wear tie-dyes. I loved that I was a punk who wore a Metallica shirt to a Deadshow. Now that is original! =D

The Duchess said...

Feel free to highlight me. I could use the fan base. :)

Kelly Peeples said...

Oh no, something else to worry about..."am I being original?"

Most of the time I don't even think about it; the bloggers I read every day are bat-shit bonkers, so themes are moot. I guess if I run across a blog that uses themes I probably won't go back to it.

Nessa said...

I've tried to participate in some of the Day themes going around, but I can't ever remember the day of the week, so I'm always off. Plus I hate rules.

Anonymous said...

Those day themes are useful at times... and somes are funny... For me, HNT makes my Photoshop skills better, and yes, even if you may see the same kind of picture every week, it is one of the day theme that can bring some to discover that they like taking photos, or like posing for poto, or like playing on the image... I did the three and still have a lot of fun getting my image ready...
I also like to have a day theme when I don't have much time to write... or have nothing I considere of interest to write about... and on top, it is creating some bounds, making people feel that something is shared...

Mayden' s Voyage said...

How about, as a non conformist- I just lay down? Or climb a tree?
One year- as opposed to kissing a boy/man/guy/or even my girlfriend on New Years Eve- I did a head stand at midnight :)
Ok- that was weird.

I like bloggers who are gifted.
Sometimes they do themes, sometimes they don't. Whatever the case, I usually learn something about them...which is why I love blogging :)

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Monster, you've been TAGGED! You must name 13 things you have found in your asshole! GO!!!!

Scary Monster said...

Kanrei~ Me agree that tags tend to create a connection between bloggers and Me also likes yer take on conformity.
Me wonders iffin people ever thought about just how non-conformist David Eisenhower was in the 60's. Everyone were dressed up as flower children and he were the straight laced grandson of a former president.

Duchess~ Will consider it iffin ya send me a nude photo of yerself.

Warrior~ No need to worry about creativity, woman. Me enjoys the tales you tell. How's the kitty?

Goldennib~ Now that's sumpin Me can identify with. Someone who hates rules,yeah!

Searabbit~ You show a lot of creativity on the thirteenth floor, but that be the exception, not the norm.
Me figgers that iffin Me don't have anything to say than Me can allways give me blog a rest.

Mrs.C. Weird be good!

Mr. Dyckerson~ Yer always makin me work fer me money...

On the day after Christmas,
Although it may seem strange;
I found these things in Me ass:

An automatic vegetable slicer that works when you see it on television but not when you get it home,

A chromium combination manicure scissors and cigarette lighter,

A pair of teakwood shower clogs,

An indoor plastic birdbath,

A pink satin pillow that says ``San Diego'' with fringe all around it,

A hammered aluminum nutcracker,

A statue of a lady with a clock where her stomach ought to be,

A simulated alligator wallet,

A calendar book with the name of my insurance man,

Green polka dot pajamas,

Japanese transistor radio.

And a Polariod of Dyck!! in the nude.


Special thanks to Alan Sherman.

ThatGreenyFlower said...

Don't do themes. But I doubt I ever post an original thought despite that.

I'm ok with it.

Serena said...

I don't do themes, either, except on the weekends. Most days, I have no idea what I'm going to post until I write it. Some days it works, some days it doesn't. Some days I think I really oughta give it a rest.:)

Anonymous said...

How about Misanthropic Monday, where we highlight a blogger and DON'T link to them?

Scary Monster said...

Greeny~ You may not be able to see it fer yerself, byt yer posts never fail to evoke a sense of serenity. That too, be so very, very important.

SJ~ Yer worst day still leaves me in the dust. Me be lovin the revbob series and can't wait fer the next one.

Frogster~ Frogs be more than welcome at the Monster's lair. To find out why you can do a search fer frogs here.

Me likes the idea of Misanthropic Mondays, but Me be too much of one to join in. lol.


Stacia said...

Ugh, I agree. As much as some of the bloggers who do them are my friends, I almost never read those things. Thursday is actually a good day for me, as the preponderance of 13s everywhere means I can take the day off from reading or commenting much.

(Says she, who's posted interviews every Friday this month and has a guest blogger this Monday. But the guest blogger should be funny, so that's different.)

Little Lamb said...

I have to stand on my feet all day long. I will not stand up now.

Corn Dog said...

Do what I do Monster, just pretend you didn't see the tag.