Monday, August 13

OBON is here

Me be doin this post after an amazing day of simple living.

Me woke up with the sun and greeted the day with two tylenol.
before breakfast were even served, Me spent the morning practicing Me golf swing and working out the spiderwebs of city life.

Me be a city born Monster and me feels the same way that Zya Zya Gabor felt about the country life. Me don't need Arnold the pig rollin through me bedroom with an alarm clock in he mouth. just the smell of bacon and eggs and toast to make me get out of bed.

Tonight be the first night of Obon. This be the time when all the ancestors of the family come back from the spirit world and hang around the house for a week. Sounds spooky but it ain't.
They be invited with a tiny bonfire thats set in front of the home to call them into the party like a 747 tryin to make a landing in the dead of night. Most people don't take this thing too seriously, they be just enjoying the whikey and the days away from work.

Me kinda liking the spiritual side of this thang. Me likes the feeling of those who have gone before chillin out with me and guiding me into a new path. After all, they just might know somthin me don't.

Me no foolin around with spirits.


Stacia said...

What a cool holiday. I'm jealous.

I never had any urge to go to Japan, but I have to admit you make it sound awfully appealing.

Camille Alexa said...

There is something gentle and lovely about inviting spirits to the table rather than cowering in fear or trying to banish.

Libby said...

scary, this sounds like it's a good, well-deserved holiday for you! enjoy!!

The Grunt said...

Keep your eye out for Hoodini. Let me know if any bells start ringing. Joking aside, this idea is pretty cool.

Ryan said...

This holiday would creep me out. I'm worried ghost I know will come back and give me shit for wearing inappropriate attire to their funeral.

Pink said...

Well, whatever you do...don't see 28 weeks after oh...7 months from now.

We don't need no zombie monsters stomping around Tokyo

Serena said...

Wonderful post, Scary Mon. I love the mood you've evoked. Keep on enjoying your holiday -- you've earned it.:-)

Corn Dog said...

What a great time! I'm envious. I grew up on a farm. Dragonflies. Fresh Veges. Bonfires. Hailing in dead ancestors. All the things we used to do. Do they have lightning bugs there? That would be the topper. Are you going to make some homemake ice cream?

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Me be liking the flashing Mighty Blog logo.


morgetron said...

Spirits don't scare me. I like them too.


Outdoorsy Girl said...

Obon sounds very cool! It lasts for a week? I'd like to hang with the spirits of my passed family members.

Scary Monster said...

Once again Me must keep me replies short and addressed to the general public. Muchos appypollylogies fer the impersonal response to yer comments. Me be havin a pretty good time and would love to have anybody come by for a visit. Iffin yer ever gonna come to Me little corner of the world, Me will do me best to show ya a good, no, make that a great time.


leelee said...

Obon DOES sound wonderful...yes, I'd like to experience that..