Wednesday, August 29

Me likes to try new things.

The Monster Flash!

There be almost nuthin that compares to learnin sumpin new. Me has wanted to try and create me own flicker pics fer a while now, but didn't have the time to figger it out on me own.

Jeannie Grrl, a really righteous chick, wrote a post with incredibly simple instructions and provided the software to make it all come out right. Me knows that to some of you this ain't no big deal, but it be a cool thang fer me.

Me wants to thank the Grrl and Me hopes you all pay a visit to her house. You'll be amazed at what you find there.

Me will be makin much better GIF's in the future. This were only a trial piece. Hope ya enjoys it.

Me no computer geek.


Stacia said...

Very cool! And super scary.

Nessa said...

I can't comment. I am hypnotized.

Libby said...

...i can't WAIT for halloween!!!

Unknown said...

That is awesom....seizure setting it...

Camille Alexa said...

Two words: epileptic seizure.

Scary Monster said...

OK folks, Me knows it be a bit silly, but like Me said this be just a trial run and Me had to give prpos to Jeannie.

Kanrei yer tag be almost finished. Me started it, but me got side tracked by a bottle of bourbon on the way to the keyboard.


Pony Rider said...

Scary, The flash is great! But be careful of mixing in Bourbon while flashing. You might find yourself trying a few more new things!!


Serena said...

Whoa! That strobing monster's giving me flashbacks, dude.:-)

Ed & Jeanne said...

Have you been hanging out at the disco again?

Scary Monster said...

December~ Me liked the first install ment! you might just make me want to read the whole thang!

Goldennib~ Yessssss, Me has you in me power. You must obey! You only exist to seve the Monster.
Now go forth and procure me a chicken salad sandwich, with a little extra mayo if ya don't mind, thanks.

Libby~ Meeeee toooooo!

Kanrei& Camille~ OK, so now have you too set the date? Cuz everytime me visits yer places and vice versa Me sees you playin footsie with yer comments. Kinda like SJ and Charles, YOW!

Bace Man. Bace Man? Whoa, Bace Man!
Long time no see! Hope things are going well, me man.

Me don't need booze to try new things, but it does deaden the pain of the aftermath.

SJ~ Me be kinda hopin yer focusin on only me response to you and not the other replies, lol.

VE~ Me life is a disco, me friend. Only it's a disco on sunday morning at 11:00 instead of Saturday Night.


Mighty Dyckerson said...

Me going to sue you for copyright infringement. Me own the rights to the flashing effect, as seen in the Mighty Blog logo. Me order you to cease and desist. BLINK!

ADW said...

Jeez Monster, that was cute. I missed ya!

Anonymous said...

For a first try, it's a neat try!!!! Making good animated gif is quite a skill, but it is so fun!!!

Serena said...

Scary, I'm always focused on you.:)

Pink said...


epileptic seizure...

but it was worth it.

Camille Alexa said...

You're behind, Scary M:
Kanrei and I have had the wedding, the divorce, the reconciliation sex and the alimony squabbles. In the end, I left him with a passel of young'uns, no life skills and a house full of ugly furniture.

Corn Dog said...

Seriously Scary, let me know when you drop that bugger off your blog. It is causing me seizures. Yeppers, I am an epileptic and that thing is doing it. I think I will send it to my doc. They love those thing for their little lab rat experiments.

Anonymous said...

Oh Scary!!! You make me proud!!!!