It's a bird. It's a plane.It's.......
Gettin tagged be something that Me appeciates and finds annoying at the same time. Me be thrilled that someone be thinking that Me would be a good subject fer the tag and that they want to find out more about the Scary Monster, but Me often feels that Me gots to post twice in one day to get the thoughts that be runnin around in me noggin settled and out of the way. Most of what you be reading here today, with a few exceptions, could could be discovered by perusing me archives, but in order to save youse some time; me will lay me soul bare for all the world to see and be shocked by.
This tag were brought to you by Kanrei and he house of lemmings. A visit to he place will provide you with many moments of mirth, merriment and mental anguish. STOMP!
Four jobs I have had or currently have in my life:
Me has engaged in many forms of money making endeavors over the course of me life. Here be some of the ones me believes be the most interesting.
1. Amway distributor. Don't laugh. We all got family members that can talk us into doin all kinds of silly shit.
2. Bouncer at the Palladium. At one time it were the biggest and most popular club in N.Y. Beating up drunks and picking up chicks and getting paid for it all at the age of twenty. It were a grand time!
3. Burglar: Not to worry, Me be retired and me modeled meself after Robin Hood.
Except Me were the poor. This particular foray introduced me a wonderful place called "the tombs" located right under the criminal courts in lower Manhattan.
4. Current Job: purveyor of hopes and dreams.
Me does me best to keep people from makin the same silly mistake that me has and possibly give them the chance to explore the world with an open mind.
Four Countries I have been to:
1. Japan, duh!
2. Korea: Not fun.
3. Hawaii: Check it out. It were a kingdom before it were a state.
4. Brooklyn: iffin ya think it be a part of the United States, think again.
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Chillin out in Hanauma bay. Got to be one of the most beautiful places you'll ever see.
2. Having a drink at the Raccoon Lodge. Me be missing some of me old friends
3. Riding Me motorcycle down the coastal road here where me lives. Just lettin loose with me thoughts and the sound of wind in me ears and bugs in me teeth
4. On top of the Empire State Building. No better place to look at home. Ya cain't see or smell the garbage from that height.
Four foods I like to eat:
1. Natto. For an explination you can 'wiki' it or go here
2. Lasagna.
3. A really good spicy curry.
4. Pizza! Anyone from N.Y. who don't put this on there list gets deported to Wisconsin
Four personal heroes-past or present:
It be hard to coose just four. There are so many folks who have had a great impact on me life.
1. Me knows it be corny, but me gonna have to say Me mom and Dad.
They knew when to reward me and when to take out the strap.
2. Robert A. Heinlein. He really knew his shit!
3. Groucho Marx. The only comedian without the ability to turn laughter into tears.
4. NYD. Me just can't seem to get rid of the guy,
Four books I have read or are currently reading:
Iffin Me has to list only four me would have to choose those whose characters and stories that Me believes had the most profound effect on me. Fer a longer list of characters see this.
1. The Stars my Destination
2. Le Miserables
3. Green Eggs and Ham
4. Leviathan (Paul Auster)
Me can't tell you why Me likes these stories or what me got out of them cuz fer everyone it be different, but there you go.
Iffin Me gots the time me will try to do a PM post. Me hope youse liked me morning ramblings and me also hopes that you check out the links and visits them places as well.
Me no preaching today.
The more I learn about you the more I want to learn. You just fascinate me man.
Oh, you could have answered this tomorrow instead. I have the same fear of burying posts. I have noticed that if it ain't the top post, it ain't read.
Bogey said something about Brooklyn in Casablanca, didn't he?
Kanrei~ No problem Me friend. Me actually enjoyed doin this one and you were right it were tough.
Charles, Welcome! Me believes Bogart were warning a Nazi that there were certain places in Brooklyn that wouldn't take his kind of stupidity.
From Me experiences, Me wholeheartedly agrees
Some surprises in there...
Why do you live in Japan and how did you get there and what made you decide to move there?
I've been wondering about that since I found out you lived there.
Camille~ Me likes to keep people off kilter. One never knows what to expect when confronting the Monster.
Lambkins~ A man without some mystery and secrets ain't much of a man. You gals aren't the only ones to play at that game, me dear.
What??? No cannoli? Wisconsonite!
I like Green Eggs and Ham, too, Monster Man.
great post. I actually need to go back to see what Natto is! You have had a sorted past havent you! Funny where life takes you isnt it.
I have never been a fan of Seuss... idk why!
cheers monster!
Pink~ a cannoli is a great big tube filled with cheese, ya? There be no way me gonna shove that into me mouth!
Goldennib~ What other stories do ya like, baby?
Kate~ Actually, Me past be somewhat sordid. Me once worked in an S&M club too! Scout's Honor.
I worked in a Go-Go bar once, hiring the dancers. Don't tell anyone though.
Monster Man, I also like the stories One Fish, Two Fish and Horton Hears a Who, but How the Grinch Stole Christmas is scary.
It mkes me feel very happy to see two of my favorite authors in your choice of 4 books... Hugo and Auster aren't parents in any kind of ways but they both touched something in me that make them on the same list...
May I suggest you one more... "Ocean Sea" from Alessandro Baricco... I'd love to read your impression about that novel...
Nessa~ Iffin Me had a job hiring Go-Go dancers, Me would be announcing it from the rooftops!
Me digs Horton!!! He StompS!
Searabbit~ Will try and get me hands on that one. Gettin books here be a right pain in the ass and Me don't like amazon cuz they charge me an arm and a leg and three toes.
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