Friday, August 24

The Art of Rant.

Me has lost a story.
Been lookin fer a piece of fiction that were once in me possession, but ain't anymore.

This town of Blogville possesses many critics and they often cite their whingeing and whining as a rant.
The rant, in it's truest sense has to be more than bitching and moaning about a person or situation that is making you uncomfortable.
The rant must, and me means must, go beyond ones own personal inconvenience. It be essentially universal in nature and beyond refute.
There be no need to include foul language (although me loves it and finds it hilarious) in a rant and the best ones often are composed of nothing but the most polite language.
You are not ranting if you are fucking pissed off want to kill your next door neighbor, rape his cat and bury his bitch wife up to her neck and piss on her face for a fortnight to keep her from dying of dehydration.
That be raving and ought to be considered merely a temporary excursion into a dark-side fantasy.

The writing of a rant often includes a sense of irony and certainly sarcasm as a carrier of the message. The use of idiom and metaphor is possibly a requirement and alliteration as well as litotes are to be considered icing on the cake.

While there be a great many bloggers who produce magnificent rants; there are many, many more who are just bitching and moaning and boring me with an endless stream of simpleminded complaints.

The rant that Me uses as a yardstick to judge all others is the piece me has lost and been looking for and hopes to once again hold in me scaly claws be the fantastic "Brennbar's Rant" by John Irving.

Iffin ya has never heard of it nor read it me suggests you get it and read it. You will enjoy the rest of the book as well and hopefully get enthralled by one of the greatest American authors who ever put pen to paper.

Learn to rant. Rant to live.

Me no stomp without reason.


Unknown said...

I think I rant well. It may be babble or raving (although that term makes me think of bad techno music and people saying "I love you man and its not the X talking"), but I think I am a quality ranter.

For me, a quality rant must also include self-deprecation as well. In fact I think it may be the number one important thing. Dennis Miller is famous for ranting, but his rants are more lectures. He is on his high horse telling you what is annoying him. Bad formula I think. He only appears as a pompus complainer. OF course, I may as well.

Great rant of the errors of ranting though.

The Grunt said...

Personally, I like ranting mixed with raving only if it is shaken and stirred.

Scary Monster said...

Kanrei~ Me were gonna list a bunch of bloggers who have the talent fer ranting, and ofcourse you were included in the list but Me found it problematic to link and give props to each and every person methinks be qualified to be called a "Ranter".

Grunt~ Don't forget the olive, Cap'n. One needs to sit back and chill after a feverish expusion of emotion.

Stay Stompy.

Unknown said...

Thanks SM, that means a lot.

Lists are dangerous. I have tried listing my favorite blogs and such, but I know I am going to forget someone who will see the list and be upset they didn't make it.

Anonymous said...

Well... thank you for those wortful info! I'll be now careful about bitching online about my boyfriend while going deep down into a BPD crisis... or, if I do so, I will for sure keep in sight the needed "laugh at myself" ironic point of view.. ;-)

Ed & Jeanne said...

I'll have to check that out. I could do with a good rant!

Pink said...

yep I pretty much bitch and damn well moan with a few shitty words thrown in to my dark-side fantasy.

Its a hobby of mine.


Nessa said...

Look I'm back. You weren't able to scare me away with your last post.

When my husband raves he'll say of someone, "I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire."

I had to look up the word "litotes." I am not a little fond of those.

And I too will look up your idealized rant.

ThatGreenyFlower said...

I am an enormously huge John Irving fan from 'WAY back, and I don't know the rant of which you speak. Damn. Is it in "Trying to Save Piggy Sneed?"

Anonymous said...

I rant well in person but I don't know if my blog ranting is any good or not.. Hmmm... my favourite comedian can rant better than anyone though!!! I love Denis Leary!

Anonymous said...

I've thought better of my blogspot name recently, but I can't be bothered to move the thing. That is to say, I don't do much ranting and it's certainly not daily.