Tuesday, June 26

Why We Roamed

As man and woman wandered through the wilderness at the horizon of history they had to face interminable dangers. The daily fight for existence was compounded by a severe lack of luxury and the daily amenities that we modern civilized folk take for granted.
There be reasons; many, many reasons for why humans moved and choose to live in the places they did. Me reckons that the prime motivator were food and anything connected to it especially the by-products. Our neanderthal ancestors settled in places that be having the softest flora. Yes! Civilization were formed around the foilage of an area. It were the precursor of the modern day roll of ass wipes that caused people to settle down in areas that had the softest most absorbant leaves. Me is tryin to figure out why there ain't a Marcal tree somewhere or a Scotties bush. Ifin you were gonna settle somewhere where would you choose? Corn Cobs of Nebraska? Bamboo in Japan? The sands of the Sahara? Where be your place to find the leaf of life?

Me no squeezin' the Charmin?


Serena said...

Alas, the Marcal tree is now extinct. I hear tell, though, that if you can grasp onto a White Cloud, it'll get the job done.:-)

ADW said...

I've been told that I am a major hardass, so I would try the cacti in the desert.

Ed & Jeanne said...

Why did we roam? You haven't met my family!!!

Hey, I like the 'truth in advertising' on that roll of TP!

Anonymous said...

Gods, I have Crohn's Disease - this question is akin to asking me to solve the world's problems or initiate world peace...

I love that tissue package by the way!

Unknown said...

You are brilliant(or the correctly spelled version)! I have never thought nor heard that connection before, but it makes sense.

puerileuwaite said...

I like to be pampered. So for me silk plants are the shiznit.

tfg said...

Real men use sandpaper.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Anywhere a copy of Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard is nearby.

Scary Monster said...

SJ~ Me would have problems doin the job at such high altitudes.

adw~ Give new meaning to the word prickley pear.

Varient~ Me wises me could take credit for that particular bit of truth in advertising

Grrrl~ You gots more avatars than Syble has personalities.

Kanrei~ Thethinks me thinks when me ain't thinking about anything at all.

Pug~ Just watch out or you might get worms.

tfg~ That's what the Bedouins say.

Dr. Noisewater ~ Welcome to the Monster's Lair! With a copy of Dianetics or any other hefty tome written by Mr. Hubbard, you could keep an entire tribe satisfied for at least a year.

Corn Dog said...

Water nomad in the Amazon.

The Grunt said...

I hear Yellowstone has some killer bidets.