Sunday, February 4

If only me could Grok

Previously Me wrote about surfing through the musings of other people in the blogworld and Me hinted at putting a value on the ideas that other people present to the world.
Maybe it would be better to express it as placing an interest in a blog based upon that which me considers to have merit or significance relative to me concerns and interests. I'll sit on the fence, so this way those who are posting pictures of Beyonce and Paris Hilton as well as the jingoists and pornographers out there don't start ranting at me What you do has value to you and it may have a place in the world in general, but in me pathetic estimation of things it is an awful waste of human energy. Me feels that just merely doing your bloggy thing will attract like minds to your site. People often tell their friends about places they've found much in the same way that we share information about new restaurants we've discovered and you can often tell if a site might be interesting by the comments left by an author. Aside from the really good folks who consistantly comment on Me blog, Me would like to introduce you to a few other folks who Me think be worth the time and energy of a visit. Of course for every person Me mentions there are a whole lot of others me keeps in me favorites for a quick trip to read what they have to offer. Take a look at these folks and tell me what you think.

A Journey of Self-discovery through Self-exploration.
Lingo Slinger
puveyor of obscure innuendo.
Wierd Websites
The Best Weird, Wierd Websites on the Web Grammerically Incorrect but SEO Compliant.
Because scientists really are funnier than you are.
Bringing you the dark genius of Dostoyevsky combined with the divine, intelligent humor of Pynchon since spring 2002.
Donald James Simpson/Unbalanced
the boundaries of language
'That the world is my world appears in the fact that the boundaries of language (the only language I understand) indicate the boundaries of my world' - Bertrand Russell.
The Daily Nooz
It Gets My Goat - So It's Going To Grantham!

Me don't often comment at these places, but Me thinks me should. Lurking around someone's backyard is a bit creepy. Not all of these sites are politically correct (love that term) but they are a good way to pass the time.

P.S. Let me know if there be places you think worthwhile to be visiting and I'll check them out.

Me no cooking with Crisco.


puerileuwaite said...

Normally I shun the advice of monsters. But Scary, I'm going to go with my instinct on this one. Not to mix metaphors, but I do like the cut of your jib. Beauty is within, anyway, as I often tell anyone who will listen.

These links that you mention are intriguing. I'll be checking them out, my friend.

Anonymous said...

puerileuwaite ~ Welcome to Scary's place, where thoughs flow without rhyme or reason and pups are always welcome. I will drop by your pad to see what Me can see and say what come to mind, Cheers!

Serena said...

Interesting list, Scary Mon. Definitely lots of good stuff for grokking.