Saturday, January 27

You want it, when?!?

Expectations. Me never understands where they come from.
They be a product of imagination and circumstance and have no solid form; yet they can alter ones life or change our actions whether we have met them or not.
Come stomp with me a while and think on this.
Me knows that ones expectations are an integral part of our thoughts. Nothing more than the belief of how things ought to be in ones own esteemed opinion.
Please don't get opinions mixed up with facts or reality, Me likes to keep me posts as succinct as possible.
Do we value other's presumptions more than our own?
When we are trying to live up to someones expectations of us, are we truly living at all?
Or better yet, if you apply the same question to your own prospects are you dueling with futility?
Expectations are the roots of an enormous tree grown upon a lifetime of disappointments.
Can you see the truth in this? How often do you need to feel small and belittled in the eyes of others when there is greatness inside you?
How foolish it would be to get angry with a road that did not take you in the direction you believed it would. The road was there before your choice to tread upon it. Our lives and the people in it unfortunately never quite match the ideals we present to ourselves in our minds and when that occurs, frustration and disgust follow. Me is NOT saying that you ought not to have standards and ethics and consistently live up to them. Those things are indispensible and life witout them be chaotic and worthless. Just don't feel exasperated or depressed when thins ain't goin yer way.
After all the lemmings have left the building, there probably is one left who is walking his own path.

Me still waitin on the mailman.


Scary Monster said...

Hi I'm zero7d and I want to introduce you to my friend lmaaml(acronym for: little mental ability always mangles laughter)we are a couple of ignant low lifes that might as well be anonymous. While we busy pushing people to try firefox (Me was actually interested in Firefox before thing 1 and thing 2 arrived on the scene. That idea has now been put on a the back burner of stove in a neighbors house.)or some other inane product what we actually do is get bloggers like you to change your settings, so that the people who like to comment must now go through the extra step of typing in a word verification before being able to let you know how they feel about your post. But hey look at the bright side, because of simpltons like us, the numbers on your comments will rise exponetionally in the next few weeks.

Mayden' s Voyage said...

Dear SM-
I think that "expectations" raise the bar for people- in a good way sometimes, and not so good in others.
I know that if I expect more from my kids- and I express that to them- they usually try to meet that expectation. It helps them, and me, to grow- stretch- perhaps push past some invisible barrier we set for ourselves.
However, if I have an expectation that is never expressed (like..."honey, it would be really nice if you brought home flowers")
how can I think it will be met?

Of course- the kicker here is that I have said, "flowers would be so nice" 352,745 times...and they still don't come. So- I've lowered my expectation...otherwise I just get my feelings hurt- often.

I don't think we expect much from strangers...but we do put a lot of expectations on those we love, or on those who say they love us.
I don't think it's wrong to expect admiration, tenderness, kindness, patience and gratitude from those who hold our hearts- and we should treat the hearts we hold with as much regard- if not more.

These relationships are, of course, healthy one's I'm talking about. Expectations help keep us out of (or should) dangerous or unhealthy relationships.

But even with all this said- I do beat myself up...I do feel like I let people down...that I don't live up to their "expectations"- and it makes me feel bad.

At the end of the day I have to answer to only me (and my creator) for what I did or failed to do...but it's hard to remember sometimes...

Serena said...

I guess I sort of try to do the best I can and hope I meet the expectations of others. Sometimes I miss the mark. Okay, a lot of the time. As for myself, I really have no expectations, perhaps because I've learned to be very careful what I wish for because I'll eventually get it. Turns out that's not always such a good thing. said...

My thoughts on expectations are too personal. I can't post them here. Sorry. Maybe I'll have something to say next time.

Unknown said...

There are two classes of expectations- personal and professional. Personal expectations are our own creations and we must never go crazy to meet other people's nor hold it against them when they do not meet ours. Professional ones, on the other hand, are pretty much what we are paid for and we should strive to reach them or explain why we cannot. I see it as I am paid to do something and therefore must meet the expectations of those paying me or else refund their money.